AT REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, Wednesday, October 28, 2020


AT A MEETING OF City Council


AT 1:30 PM


These are considered a draft rendering of the official minutes. Official minutes can be obtained through the Office of the City Clerk once approved.



Mayor Michael Fougere, in the Chair

Councillor Lori Bresciani (Videoconference)

Councillor Sharron Bryce (Videoconference)

Councillor John Findura (Videoconference)

Councillor Jerry Flegel (Videoconference)

Councillor Bob Hawkins (Videoconference)

Councillor Jason Mancinelli

Councillor Joel Murray (Videoconference)

Councillor Mike O'Donnell (Videoconference)

Councillor Andrew Stevens (Videoconference)

Councillor Barbara Young (Videoconference)


Also in Attendance:

City Clerk, Jim Nicol

Secretary, Elaine Gohlke

City Manager, Chris Holden

City Solicitor, Byron Werry

Executive Director, Citizen Services, Kim Onrait

Executive Director, Citizen Experience, Innovation & Performance,
   Louise Folk

Executive Director, City Planning & Community Development,
   Diana Hawryluk

Executive Director, Financial Strategy & Sustainability, Barry Lacey

Director, Roadways & Transportation, Chris Warren

Manager, Infrastructure Engineering, Shanie Leugner

Manager, Licensing & Parking Services, Dawn Schikowski

Manager, Social & Cultural Development, Emmaline Hill

Manager, Traffic Engineering, Carolyn Kalim

Legal Counsel, Chrystal Atchison

Corporate Strategy and Performance Consultant, Ryan Gray


Confirmation of Agenda

Councillor Bob Hawkins moved, seconded by Councillor Jason Mancinelli, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the agenda for this meeting be approved, as submitted, after adding:

              Minutes of the special City Council meeting held on September 2, 2020;

              DE20-129, a brief from David Brundige, Willows Wellsch Orr & Brundige LLP, regarding 1971 Albert Street, Capital Pointe By-Law; and

The following communications:


              CP20-49 - Wendy and Laurie Walter:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment
CP20-50 - Jon Anderson
CP20-51 - Len and Maureen Pytel
CP20-52 - Dave and Janice Sinclair
CP20-53 - Kayla McFie
CP20-54 - Trevor Coldwell
CP20-55 - Peter Quesnel
CP20-56 - Linda McFie
CP20-57 - Lynn Kosloski
CP20-58 - Kerrie Hammett
CP20-59 - Julie Derby
CP20-60 - Karen and Craig Edwards
CP20-61 - M. D. Baker
CP20-62 - Sharon Guttman
CP20-63 - Richard and Margaret Helfrick
CP20-64 - Darrell and Yvonne Frohlick
CP20-65 - Gaylene Drummond
CP20-66 - Blaine Harper
CP20-67 - Camille Bolen
CP20-68 - Karen Edwards
CP20-69 - Mike Raedeke
CP20-70 - Susan Wasnik
CP20-71 - Kerry Gudereit
CP20-72 - Ali Shoulak
CP20-73 - C. Stasiak
CP20-74 - Elma Shoulak
CP20-75 - Robyn Skipper
CP20-76 - Marshall Wiebe
CP20-77 - Jeff and Kathy Mader
CP20-78 - Grant Wasnik
CP20-79 - Walter Heuck
CP20-80 - Stephen Schauenberg
CP20-81 - Ron and Gloria Bearss
CP20-82 - Michele and Paul Legrand
CP20-83 - Adrian and Judie Lozinsky
CP20-84 - George and Gloria Kups
CP20-85 - Dean Schmiedge
CP20-86 - Mark McFie
CP20-87 - R. J. O’Halloran
CP20-88 - Ken Yanko
CP20-89 - Lindsay Morhart
CP20-90 - Jodi Halloran
CP20-91 - Murray Black
CP20-92 - Paul Legrand
CP20-93 - Kathryn Black
CP20-94 - Chad Lang
CP20-95 - Wayne Skwernuik
CP20-96 - Pete Doroshenko

and that the delegations be heard in the order they are called forward by Mayor Fougere.

Adoption of Minutes

Councillor Lori Bresciani moved, seconded by Councillor Jason Mancinelli, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the minutes for the special and regular meetings held on September 2 and September 29, 2020 be adopted, as circulated.


Pursuant to Section 14(5) of The Procedure Bylaw, the requirement for the Mayor to leave the Chair for the purpose of taking part in the debate was waived as nine of the eleven members of City Council were attending the meeting via videoconference.



DE20-111              Stu Niebergall, Regina & Region Homebuilders' Association:  2021 Service Agreement Fees  & Intensification Levy

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Stu Niebergall, representing Regina & Region Homebuilders' Association, addressed Council and answered a number of questions.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of CR20-86, a report from Executive Committee respecting the same subject.

CP20-44              Dream Development:  2021 Service Agreement Fees & Intensification Levy

Councillor Sharron Bryce moved, seconded by Councillor Jason Mancinelli, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that this report be received and filed.

CR20-86              Executive Committee:  City of Regina Servicing Agreement Fee, Development Levy and Intensification Levy Annual Rate Review


Executive Committee recommends that City Council:


1.              Set the 2021 Greenfield Servicing Agreement Fee and Development Levy Rates at $299,000 per hectare for residential and commercial greenfield development and $99,670 per hectare for industrial-zoned greenfield development and approved effective January 1, 2021.


2.              Maintain the 2021 Intensification Levy Rates unchanged effective January 1, 2021:


Table 1: Intensification Levy Rate by Land Use Type



Residential Unit Types (rate charged per unit)

   Secondary Suite


   Single-Detached Dwelling


   Semi-Detached Dwelling or Duplex


   More than Two Dwelling Units (e.g. townhouse, triplex, etc.)


   Apartment (less than two bedrooms)


   Apartment (two or more bedrooms)


Office/Commercial/Institutional (rate charged per m2)


Industrial (rate charged per m2)



3.              Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary bylaw amendment to The Development Levy Bylaw No. 2011-16.


4.               Consider the proposed bylaw at its October 28, 2020 meeting, following the required public notice.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, that the recommendation of Executive Committee contained in the report be concurred in.
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              No
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce              Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

DE20-112              Shawn Faye:  Short Term Accommodation

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Shawn Faye addressed Council and answered a number of questions.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of CR20-79, a report from Executive Committee respecting the same subject.

DE20-113              Tracy Fahlman, Regina Hotel Association:  Residential Short Term Accommodation

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Tracy Fahlman, representing Regina Hotel Association, addressed Council and answered a number of questions.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of CR20-79, a report from Executive Committee respecting the same subject.

CM20-26              Supplemental Report: Residential Short Term Accommodation (Homestay)(Tabled September 30, 2020)


That this report and report CR20-79 be tabled to the October 28, 2020 meeting of City Council.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that this report be received and filed.

CR20-79              Executive Committee:  Residential Short Term Accommodation (Homestay)(Tabled September 30, 2020)


That City Council:


1.      Approve the following regulatory changes:


(a)   amendments to The Regina Zoning Bylaw, 2019, effective January 1, 2021, to change Service Trade, Homestay from a discretionary use to a permitted use in all zones where it is currently discretionary and related amendments to facilitate the establishment of the licensing program as further described in this report;


(b)   amendments to The Licensing Bylaw to establish a licensing and regulatory regime for all residential short term accommodations as further detailed in Appendix A of this report;


(c)               an amendment to The Regina Appeal Board Bylaw to enable the Regina Appeal Board, which hears appeals related to business licences, to hear licensing appeals for short term accommodation licences.

2.      Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary bylaws to implement the licensing and regulatory scheme for residential short term accommodation and the amendments to The Regina Zoning Bylaw, 2019 described in this report to the meeting of City Council one month following the approval of the recommendations described in this report.


3.      That Administration report back to City Council on an annual basis on the operation of short term accommodation (Homestay).


4.      Approve the percentage limit in a multi-unit dwelling be set at 35%.


5.      Approve a cap on licenses if vacancy rate drops below 3% be applied.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, that the recommendation of Executive Committee contained in the report be concurred in.


Councillor Barbara Young moved, in amendment, seconded by Councillor Sharron Bryce, that option 2 be adopted and 1 (a) be amended to read:  


Amendments to the Regina Zoning Bylaw, 2019, effective January 1, 2021, to change Service Trade, Homestay to a Permitted use in Residential Zones if it is a primary residence and discretionary use if not a primary residence and a permitted use in Mixed Use Zones to facilitate the establishment of the licensing program as further described in this report.

Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              No
Councillor Andrew Stevens              No
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              No
Councillor Joel Murray                            No
Councillor Sharron Bryce              Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              No
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              No
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            No
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared LOST.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, in amendment, seconded by Councillor Barbara Young, that:

              (a)              The effective date in 1(a) be amended to May 1, 2021; and

              (b)              That the coming into force date for both The Regina Zoning Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 20) and The Residential Short Term Accommodation Licensing Bylaw be changed to May 1, 2021 by:

                            (i)              striking out January 1 and substituting May 1 in section 39 of The Residential Short Term Accommodation Licensing Bylaw; and


                            (ii)              striking out January 1 and substituting May 1 in section 94 of The Regina Zoning Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 20).

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes

Councillor Mike O’Donnell                            Yes

Councillor Sharron Bryce                            Yes

Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes

Councillor John Findura                            No

Councillor Lori Bresciani                            Yes

Councillor Andrew Stevens              No

Councillor Bob Hawkins                            No

Councillor Barbara Young                            Yes

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            No

Mayor Michael Fougere                            Yes


The motion was put and declared CARRIED.


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 (2.1) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, Mayor Fougere called for a 15 minute recess.

Council recessed at 3:47 p.m.

Council reconvened at 4:08 p.m.

The Clerk called the vote on the main motion as amended.

Councillor Bob Hawkins                            Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani                            Yes
Councillor John Findura                            Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce                            Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell                            Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Barbara Young                            Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere                            Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

DE20-114              Evan Hunchak, Dream Development:  5600 Waterer Road - Zoning Bylaw Amendment

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Evan Hunchak, representing Dream Development, addressed Council and answered a number of questions.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of CR20-87, a report from Regina Planning Commission respecting the same subject.

CR20-87              Regina Planning Commission:  5600 Waterer Road - Zoning Bylaw Amendment - PL202000132


That City Council:


1.              Approve the application to rezone the property located at 5600 Waterer Road, legally described as Lot FF, Block 72, Plan No. 102165375 Ext 1, from RH – Residential High-Rise Zone to I – Institutional Zone.


2.              Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary bylaws to authorize the respective Zoning Bylaw amendment.

Councillor Barbara Young moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, that the recommendation of Regina Planning Commission contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce              Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

DE20-115              Amanda Schmeling, Lavender Lane Neighbour:  56 Angus Crescent

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Amanda Schmeling addressed Council.  There were no questions of the delegation.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of Bylaw 2020-68, The Bagshaw Residence Heritage Designation Bylaw.

DE20-116              Trish Elliott, Cathedral Area Community Association:  56 Angus Crescent

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Trish Elliott, representing the Cathedral Area Community Association, addressed Council.  There were no questions of the delegation.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of Bylaw 2020-68, The Bagshaw Residence Heritage Designation Bylaw.

DE20-117              Jackie Schmidt, Heritage Regina:  56 Angus Crescent

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Jackie Schmidt, representing Heritage Regina, addressed Council and answered a number of questions.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of Bylaw 2020-68, The Bagshaw Residence Heritage Designation Bylaw.

DE20-118              Brandon Hicks and Mariia Zaburko:  56 Angus Crescent

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Brandon Hicks and Mariia Zaburko addressed Council and answered a number of questions.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of Bylaw 2020-68, The Bagshaw Residence Heritage Designation Bylaw.

DE20-119              Kaitlin Bashutski, Crawford Homes:  56 Angus Crescent

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Kaitlin Bashutski, representing Crawford Homes, addressed Council and answered a number of questions.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of Bylaw 2020-68, The Bagshaw Residence Heritage Designation Bylaw.


Councillor Bob Hawkins moved, seconded by Councillor Barbara Young that:

(a)              proposed Bylaw 2020-68 and all related correspondence and notices of objection received in relation thereto shall be referred to the provincial heritage review board for a hearing and report and the bylaw shall be brought back for Council’s consideration on receipt of the review board’s report on the matter; and

(b)              the City Solicitor is directed to notify all applicable parties of the referral in accordance with The Heritage Property Act.”


              Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce              Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.



Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Joel Murray, that the meeting recess at 6:00 p.m. for 30 minutes.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              No
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce              No
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

(Councillor Sharron Bryce temporarily left the meeting.)

(The meeting reconvened at 6:37 p.m.)

As a result of the Bagshaw residence being referred to the Provincial Heritage Review Board for a hearing and report, Bylaw 2020-68 The Bagshaw Residence Heritage Designation Bylaw was deemed to be withdrawn.

DE20-120              Thomas Le, Butz & Company:  1971 Albert Street, Contract Zone Application

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Thomas Le, representing Butz & Company, addressed Council.  There were no questions of the delegation.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of 2020-67 The Regina Zoning Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 22).

DE20-129              David Brundige, Willows Wellsch Orr & Brundige LLP:  1971 Albert Street, Capital Pointe By-Law

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  David Brundige, representing Willows Wellsch Orr & Brundige LLP, addressed Council.  There were no questions of the delegation.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of 2020-67 The Regina Zoning Amendment Bylaw, 2020 (No. 22).

2020-67              THE REGINA ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW, 2020 (No. 22)

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor John Findura, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaw No. 2020-67 be introduced and read a first time.
Bylaw was read a first time.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel              Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor John Findura              No
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              No
Councillor Bob Hawkins              No
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

The Clerk indicated that in light of meeting restrictions, interested parties were notified of the bylaw amendments.  No one expressed a desire to address City Council.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Joel Murray, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaw No. 2020-67 be introduced and read a second time.
Bylaw was read a second time.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel              Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor John Findura              No
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              No
Councillor Bob Hawkins              No
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Mike O'Donnell, that City Council hereby consent Bylaw No. 2020-67 going to third and final reading at this meeting.

The motion was put and the vote was not unanimous.

Bylaw 2020-67 is deemed to be tabled to the December 2, 2020 meeting of City Council.


Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Mike O'Donnell, that Bylaw No. 2020-62 be read a third time.
Bylaw was read a third and final time.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              No
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            No
Mayor Michael Fougere              No

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

2020-64              THE REGINA ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW, 2020 (No. 20)

2020-65              THE REGINA ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW, 2020 (No. 21)

2020-66              THE DEVELOPMENT LEVY AMENDMENT BYLAW, 2020 (No. 2)


Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Mike O'Donnell, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaws No. 2020-64, 2020-65, 2020-66 and 2020-70 be introduced and read a first time.
Bylaws were read a first time.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

The Clerk indicated that in light of meeting restrictions, interested parties were notified of the bylaw amendments.  No one expressed a desire to address City Council.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Joel Murray, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaws No. 2020-64, 2020-65, 2020-66 and 2020-70 be introduced and read a second time.
Bylaws were read a second time.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes

Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Jerry Flegel, that City Council hereby consent to Bylaws No. 2020-64, 2020-65, 2020-66 and 2020-70 going to third and final reading at this meeting.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Barbara Young, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaws No. 2020-64, 2020-65, 2020-66 and 2020-70 be read a third time.
Bylaws were read a third and final time.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.


DE20-121              Shannon Zachidniak, EnviroCollective Network Inc.:  Energy & Sustainability Framework Update

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Shannon Zachidniak, representing EnviroCollective Network Inc., addressed Council.  There were no questions of the delegation.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of CR20-88, a report from the Priorities and Planning Committee respecting the same subject.

DE20-122              Sarah Abbott:  Energy & Sustainability Framework Update

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Sarah Abbott addressed Council.  There were no questions of the delegation.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of CR20-88, a report from the Priorities and Planning Committee respecting the same subject.

CP20-45              Brian Brunskill:  Energy & Sustainability Framework Update

CP20-46              Ingrid Alesich:  Energy & Sustainability Framework Update

CP20-47              Andre Magnan:  Energy & Sustainability Framework Update

CP20-48              Jill Forrester:  Energy & Sustainability Framework Update

Councillor Joel Murray moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Communications CP20-45 through CO20-48 be received and filed.

CR20-88              Energy & Sustainability Framework Update


The Priorities and Planning Committee recommends City Council:


1.      Direct the Administration to develop a community-wide Energy & Sustainability Framework and Action Plan that includes:


a.      Community and municipal wide action plans, with timelines and targets to achieve a renewable Regina by 2050.

b.      Actions focused on land use and transportation planning, development and building permit guidelines, energy efficient building design, transportation demand management, waste management, energy conservation, regulatory tools, financial tools, advocacy for legislative change, as well as public education and awareness.

c.      Community engagement through the development and implementation.

d.      A regular and ongoing progress reporting framework that includes community reporting at regular intervals.

e.      A preliminary estimate of the financial and economic impacts associated with implementing an action plan.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, that the recommendation of the Planning and Priorities Committee contained in the report be concurred in.

Mayor Michael Fougere stepped down to move a referral motion.
Councillor Jason Mancinelli assumed the Chair.
Mayor Michael Fougere returned to the Chair prior to the vote.

Mayor Michael Fougere moved, seconded by Councillor Findura moved that this report be referred to the newly elected City Council for thorough discussion.

Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              No
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              No
Councillor Joel Murray                            No
Councillor John Findura              No
Councillor Lori Bresciani              No
Councillor Andrew Stevens              No
Councillor Bob Hawkins              No
Councillor Barbara Young              No

The motion was put and declared LOST.

The Clerk called the vote on the motion of concurrence.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              No

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

DE20-123              Tanner Ryerson, Bike Regina:  Traffic Bylaw Amendments for Cycling

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Tanner Ryerson, representing Bike Regina, addressed Council and answered a number of questions.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of CM20-32, a report respecting the same subject.

CM20-32              Traffic Bylaw Amendments for Cycling


Administration recommends that City Council:


1.      Approve the amendments to The Regina Traffic Bylaw, 1997, No. 9900 (Traffic Bylaw) as outlined in Appendix A to this report.


2.      Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary bylaws to amend The Regina Traffic Bylaw, 1997, No. 9900.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

DE20-124              Susan Ewart, Saskatchewan Trucking Association:  9th Avenue North

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Susan Ewart, representing the Saskatchewan Trucking Association, addressed Council and answered a number of questions.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of MN20-23, a Motion by Councillor Mancinelli respecting the same subject.

DE20-125              Julie Derby: 9th Avenue North Truck Route

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Julie Derby addressed Council.  There were no questions of the delegation. 

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of MN20-23, a Motion by Councillor Mancinelli respecting the same subject.

DE20-126              Paul Viala:  9th Avenue North Truck Route

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Paul Viala addressed Council and answered a number of questions.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of MN20-23, a Motion by Councillor Mancinelli respecting the same subject.

CP20-49              Wendy and Laurie Walter:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-50              Jon Anderson:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-51              Len and Maureen Pytel:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-52              Dave and Janice Sinclair:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-53              Kayla McFie:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-54              Trevor Coldwell:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-55              Peter Quesnel:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-56              Linda McFie:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-57              Lynn Kosloski:  Password: CAPG!

CP20-58              Kerrie Hammett:  M. D. Baker:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-59              Julie Derby:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-60              Karen and Craig Edwards:   9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-61              M. D. Baker:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-62              Sharon Guttman:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-63              Richard and Margaret Helfrick:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-64              Darrell and Yvonne Fohlick:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-65              Gaylene Drummond:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-66              Blaine Harper:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-67              Camille Bolen:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-68              Karen Edwards:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-69              Mike Raedeke:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-70              Susan Wasnik:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-71              Kerry Gudereit:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-72              Ali Shoulak:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-73              C. Stasiak:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-74              Elma Shoulak:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-75              Robyn Skipper:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-76              Marshall Wiebe:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-77              Jeff and Kathy Mader:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-78              Grant Wasnik:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-79              Walter Heuck:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-80              Stephen Schauenberg:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-81              Ron and Gloria Bearss:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-82              Michele and Paul Legrand:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-83              Adrian and Judie Lozinsky:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-84              George and Gloria Kups:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-85              Dean Schmiedge:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-86              Mark McFie:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-87              R. J. O'Halloran:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-88              Ken Yanko:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-89              Lindsay Morhart:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-90              Jodi Halloran:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-91              Murray Black:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-92              Paul Legrand:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-93              Kathryn Black:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-94              Chad Lang:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-95              Wayne Skwernuik:  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

CP20-96              Pete Doroshenko  9th Ave N Safety Adjustment

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Communications CP20-49 through CP20-96 be received and filed.

MN20-23              Councillor Jason Mancinelli:  9th Avenue North – Safety Adjustment


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Administration be directed to take all steps necessary to:

1.              Remove the trucking transportation route designation from 9th Avenue North between the points of Pinkie Road and Pasqua Street;

2.              Ensuring all applicable entities are concurrently updated, such as GPS databases; and

3.              Cost-sharing of any necessary signage changes; and

4.              Ensure Regina Police Service is aware and enforcing; and

5.              Achieve implementation prior to December 31, 2020.

(Councillor Bryce returned to the meeting.)

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, that Administration be directed to take all steps necessary to:

1.              Remove the trucking transportation route designation from 9th Avenue North between the points of Pinkie Road and Pasqua Street; and

2.              Ensuring all applicable entities are concurrently updated, such as GPS databases; and

3.              Cost-sharing of any necessary signage changes; and

4.              Ensure Regina Police Service is aware and enforcing; and

5.              Achieve implementation prior to December 31, 2020; and             


6.              That Administration return to City Council in one year with the implications of preventing heavy truck traffic on 9th Avenue and the resulting impact on other areas of Regina.


Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

DE20-127              Ronni Nordal:  MN20-24 - Addictions Crisis

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Ronni Nordal addressed Council.  There were no questions of the delegation. 

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of MN20-24, a Motion by Councillors Stevens, Hawkins, Bresciani and Mancinelli respecting the same subject.

DE20-128              Leah O’Malley, White Pony Lodge:  Addictions Crisis

Pursuant to due notice the delegation was present.

The Mayor invited the delegation to come forward and be heard.  Leah O'Malley, representing White Pony Lodge, addressed Council.  There were no questions of the delegation. 

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16(11)(c) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, this brief was tabled until after consideration of MN20-24, a Motion by Councillors Stevens, Hawkins, Bresciani and Mancinelli respecting the same subject.

MN20-24              Councillor Andrew Stevens, Councillor Bob Hawkins, Councillor Lori Bresciani and Councillor Jason Mancinelli:   Addictions Crisis



THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Council commit to addressing the addictions and substance use crisis in Regina and that Administration:


1.      Consider including addictions and substance use as part of the mandate for the Local Emergency Planning Committee;


2.      Partner with community organizations to develop a City-wide needle cleanup and disposal strategy and funding model;


3.      Work with community organizations, experts, users, Reconciliation Regina, Fire & Protective Services, the Regina Police Service, and the Saskatchewan Health Authority to develop a City-wide harm reduction strategy that may include, but not be limited to, needle drop off locations, safe consumption sites, safe drug supplies, wellness centres, traditional ceremonial spaces, detox facilities, supportive housing, and addiction support services, as part of the Community Wellbeing and Public Safety strategy;


4.      Ensure that Indigenous communities are involved in the consultation and that Indigenous approaches to healing be considered in the strategy; and


5.      Develop an advocacy strategy aimed at the provincial and federal governments to secure funding and support for harm reduction initiatives.

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, that City Council commit to addressing the addictions and substance use crisis in Regina and that Administration:

1.              Consider including addictions and substance use as part of the mandate for the Local Emergency Planning Committee;

2.              Partner with community organizations to develop a City-wide needle cleanup and disposal strategy and funding model;


3.              Work with community organizations, experts, users, Reconciliation Regina, Fire & Protective Services, the Regina Police Service, and the Saskatchewan Health Authority to develop a City-wide harm reduction strategy that may include, but not be limited to, needle drop off locations, safe consumption sites, safe drug supplies, wellness centres, traditional ceremonial spaces, detox facilities, supportive housing, and addiction support services, as part of the Community Wellbeing and Public Safety strategy;

4.              Ensure that Indigenous communities are involved in the consultation and that Indigenous approaches to healing be considered in the strategy; and

5.              Develop an advocacy strategy aimed at the provincial and federal governments to secure funding and support for harm reduction initiatives.

              Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce              Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

2020-69              THE REGINA TRAFFIC AMENDMENT BYLAW, 2020 (No. 3)

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor John Findura, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaw No. 2020-69 be introduced and read a first time.
Bylaw was read a first time.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Joel Murray, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaw No. 2020-69 be introduced and read a second time.
Bylaw was read a second time.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Mike O'Donnell, that City Council hereby consent to Bylaw No. 2020-69 going to third and final reading at this meeting.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Jerry Flegel, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaw No. 2020-69 be read a third time.
Bylaw was read a third and final time.



Regina Planning Commission

CR20-89              805 Toronto Street - Discretionary Use Application (PL202000144)


That City Council:


1.      Approve the discretionary use application to allow a proposed “Storage, Hazardous Material” within a building located at 805 Toronto Street.


2.      Direct the Development Officer to issue a development permit subject to the following conditions:


a.      Approved use with a total area of 423 square meters as shown in Appendix A-2 shall be entirely located within the existing building. 


b.      The development shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations in The Regina Zoning Bylaw, 2019;


c.      Approval from the Ministry of Environment shall be submitted prior to issuance of development permit; and


d.      Prior to occupancy, an Emergency Response Plan for handling of hazardous materials shall be required to be submitted to the Fire & Protective Services for review and approval.

Councillor Barbara Young moved, seconded by Councillor Jason Mancinelli, that the recommendation of Regina Planning Commission contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce              Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.



Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Lori Bresciani, that Bylaw No. 2020-62 be read a third time.
Bylaw was read a third and final time.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Mike O’Donnell              Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce              No
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor John Findura              No
Councillor Lori Bresciani              No
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            No
Mayor Michael Fougere              No

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.


Councillor Mike O'Donnell moved, seconded by Councillor Sharron Bryce, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the meeting adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 10:07 p.m.







__________________________                                          __________________________

Chairperson                                                                                    Secretary