City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

EX Public Report.

City Centre Core Partnership Framework and Action Plan


Department:Office of Executive Director (City Planning & Community Development)Sponsors:
Category:Not Applicable

Report Body



At the January 29, 2020 meeting of Council, Administration was directed to collaborate with Regina Exhibition Association (REAL), Regina Downtown Business Improvement District (RDBID) and Regina Warehouse Business Improvement District (RWBID) to create a City Centre District and return to the Planning and Priorities Committee with an implementation plan. Meetings occurred throughout 2020 and into 2021. This report presents the City Centre Core Partnership Framework and Action Plan (Appendix A) in response to that direction.




Policy/Strategy Impact

The City Centre Core Partnership Framework and Action Plan (Framework) aligns the visions of six land areas with major policies like Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48 (OCP), existing neighbourhood plans, master plans and the Underutilized Land Improvement Strategy. It specifically aligns with OCP Section C:
Growth Plan:


Goal 1 - Long-Term Growth 

Ensure that sufficient developable land is protected for future city growth.

·                     2.3 Direct at least 30 per cent of new population to existing urban areas as the Citys intensification target

Goal 3 - Intensification 

Enhance the citys urban form through intensification and redevelopment of existing built-up areas.

·                     2.9 Direct at least 10,000 new residents to the CITY CENTRE, which will accommodate the citys highest population and employment densities.


Financial Impact

There are no direct cost implications with this report.


Implementation of the Framework as proposed will have additional operational impacts for the support and representation of the City Centre Core Development Advisory Committee.


The advisory committee would offer recommendations on the prioritization of the projects within the City Centre Core Partnership Framework and Action Plan to help inform decisions of Council over the course of ongoing deliberations on capital projects as part of the defined budget process.


Environmental Impact

The Framework does not have direct environmental impacts, but development in the City Centre Core would be built to current design standards with sustainability as a priority.


Intensification is a key aspect of building a sustainable community and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a city. It promotes public transit and active modes of transportation, such as cycling or walking, reducing the number of personal vehicles on the roads. Development in established areas utilizes existing infrastructure which reduces the amount of construction materials required for development.


Legal Impact

Should the Framework be approved, legal implications will be evaluated for each project or action item, including amendments of any bylaws. Bylaw amendments are required for the establishment of an advisory committee of council. Any proposed amendments to the OCP would also be subject to Ministerial approval prior to taking effect.





Alternative options would be:


1.      Approve the Framework with specific amendments.

2.      If Council has specific concerns with the proposed Framework and Action Plan, it may refer it back to Administration to consider further recommendations. Referral of the report back to Administration will delay approval of the Framework and Action Plan.

3.      Deny the Framework and Action Plan.




The Framework has been presented to RDBID, RWBID and REAL boards. Letters of support are attached as Appendices B, C and D.




At the January 29, 2020 meeting of Council, Administration was directed to:

collaborate with Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL), Regina Downtown Business Improvement District (RDBID) and the Regina Warehouse District respecting the advancement of the creation of a City Centre District. The intent of the City Centre District would be to update the Regina Revitalization Initiative (RRI) by:


1.      Creating connectivity between Evraz Place, the Regina Railyard Project lands, the Taylor Field lands, and the Regina Downtown and Warehouse neighbourhoods.

2.      Providing guidance and direction on developments of REAL, Railyard lands and Taylor Field lands in collaboration with RDBID and the Warehouse District.

3.      Reviewing the needs of the Official Community Plan (OCP), the Recreation Master Plan, the Transportation Master Plan and other relevant plans impacting the proposed district.

4.      Presenting an implementation plan report, with Terms of Reference, for consideration to the Planning and Priorities Committees by the end of Q2 2020.


A local consultant was engaged to facilitate workshops and develop terms of reference for the District Plan. The contract was finalized in March 2020, and the COVID-19 pandemic required adjustments to accommodate the needs of the working group to ensure they could fully represent their respective organizations. Commitment was made to deliver a report to Committee and Council by the end of Q1 2021.

The first in person workshop was held on July 27, 2020 with components of a terms of reference and primary attributes of each land area confirmed. The group agreed that a few additional conversations could deliver a plan and eliminate the need for a procurement process.


The remainder of workshops were facilitated internally and in person with a draft distributed to the group on December 18, 2020 for review. In January 2021 the draft was finalized and presented the RWBID, RDBID and REAL boards. All boards were supportive of the Framework, supported the plan as presented and look forward to it progressing, including the establishment of an advisory committee.


Administration recommends approval of the Framework with the following clarification:


·         The title City Centre Core Partnership Framework and Action Plan was selected to align documents and lessen confusion. City Centre has been defined in the OCP, District is used to refer to business improvement districts, and there was a desire for a title that inspired action.

·         The term partnership should not be confused with any legal form of partnership. Each participating organization has varying interests, ownership of land and authority. The Framework and role of the advisory committee does not prevent development applications from private owners appearing before Regina Planning Commission and Council. Terms of Reference for an Advisory Committee of Council will require clear definition of authority and reporting structure.

·         Approval of the Framework is not approval for development applications. This is a guiding document that will help inform decisions made by Council through regular development processes and over the course of their ongoing deliberation on capital projects as part of the defined budget process.




At the January 29, 2020 meeting of Council, Administration was directed to

collaborate with Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL), Regina Downtown Business Improvement District (RDBID) and the Regina Warehouse District respecting the advancement of the creation of a City Centre District. The intent of the City Centre District would be to update the Regina Revitalization Initiative (RRI) by:


1.      Creating connectivity between Evraz Place, the Regina Railyard Project lands, the Taylor Field lands, and the Regina Downtown and Warehouse neighbourhoods.

2.      Providing guidance and direction on developments on REAL, Railyard lands and Taylor Field lands in collaboration with RDBID and the Warehouse District.

3.      Reviewing the needs of the Official Community Plan (OCP), the Recreation Master Plan, the Transportation Master Plan and other relevant plans impacting the proposed district.

4.      Presenting an implementation plan report, with Terms of Reference, for consideration to the Planning and Priorities Committees by the end of Q2 2020.



Respectfully Submitted,                                          Respectfully Submitted,

Diana Hawryluk                                          Chris Holden

Executive Director, City Planning &                                          City Manager

Community Development



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