City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

CC Committee Report

Zoning Bylaw Amendment (16-Z-10 & 16-Z-11)
MAC3 to MAC - 3705 E Quance Street and 2220 Willow Road


Department:Office of the City ClerkSponsors:
Category:Committee Report

Report Body



Garth Fredrickson and Robert Goldman, representing Bison Properties Limited, addressed the Commission.


The Commission adopted a resolution to concur in the recommendation contained in the report.  Recommendation #3 does not require City Council approval.


Councillors:  Mike O’Donnell (Chairperson), Jerry Flegel and Barbara Young; Commissioners: Pam Dmytriw, Phil Evans, Adrienne Hagen Lyster, Simon Kostic, Ron Okumura, Daryl Posehn, Laureen Snook and Kathleen Spatt were present during consideration of this report by the Regina Planning Commission.



The Regina Planning Commission, at its meeting held on November 30, 2016, considered the following report from the Administration:




1.      That the application to rezone Block FF, Plan No. 101835323 Ext. 0 located at 3705 E Quance Street and Block EE, Plan No. 101852096 Ext. 0 located at 2220 Willow Road from MAC3 - Major Arterial Commercial to MAC - Major Arterial Commercial, be approved.


2.      That the City Solicitor be directed to prepare the necessary bylaw to authorize the respective Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250 amendment.


3.      That this report be forwarded to the December 19, 2016 meeting of City Council for approval, which will allow sufficient time for advertising of the required public notices for the respective bylaws.




The applicant has proposed to rezone the subject properties for consistent zoning in the immediate vicinity and provide the property owner with equitable and consistent treatment with respect to the application of development standards to other properties. The full extent of development on both sites has been previously authorized by City Council under the discretionary use process.


The proposal is consistent with the purpose and intent of the MAC zone and with the policies contained within Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48 (OCP) with respect to supporting and strengthening Urban Corridors.


The impact of rezoning the subject properties will have a minimal impact on existing development in the immediate area and there are no immediate plans to alter existing development on site.


Accordingly, the Administration is recommending approval.




Applications for a Zoning Bylaw amendment have been submitted concerning the properties at 3705 E Quance Street and 2220 Willow Road.


This application is being considered pursuant to Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250 (Zoning Bylaw), the OCP and The Planning and Development Act, 2007.


The Regina Development Plan: Bylaw No. 7877 contained a policy in the Southeast Sector Plan, which provided direction to rezone all properties in the East Victoria commercial corridor to MAC to establish a consistent zone designation. The Willow Park subdivision was approved in 1995, in which the subject properties were zoned MAC3 from UH- Urban Holding. All of those properties zoned MAC3 earlier in this subdivision have been rezoned to MAC. 




The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject properties from MAC3 to MAC. The MAC3 Zone is applied to a small number of properties along and in close proximity to Victoria Avenue (east to University Park Drive) including the subject properties.  The properties to the east along Quance Street are zoned MAC-Major Arterial Commercial, and properties to the north and south of the subject property are also zoned MAC. Properties across Victoria Avenue to the north of the subject property are zoned MAC as well as HC-Highway Commercial Zone. 


While the MAC3 and MAC zones are similar, there is one notable difference with respect to the provision of discretionary use of retail spaces. The MAC3 zone allows more than 500 m² gross floor area of retail use on a single lot basis as a discretionary use; whereas, MAC Zone allows more than 1000 m² gross floor area as a discretionary use on a single lot basis. The applicant has stated that they are requesting rezoning to accommodate commercial activities on subject properties which are either prohibited or discretionary in MAC3 but are permitted or discretionary in MAC zones. As such, the applicant has indicated that the rezoning will allow for greater long-term flexibility in use of the existing buildings on site. The uses accommodated in each of the zones is included in Appendix A-3.1.


The proposed development is consistent with the purpose and intent of the MAC - Major Arterial Commercial Zone with respect to accommodating retail, service, and office developments along controlled-access roadways where establishments can benefit from good visibility from a major arterial roadway.




Financial Implications


The subject area currently receives a full range of municipal services, including water, sewer and storm drainage. The applicant will be responsible for the cost of any additional infrastructure or changes to existing infrastructure that may be required to directly or indirectly support the development, in accordance with City standards and applicable legal requirements.


Environmental Implications


None with respect to this report.


Policy/Strategic Implications


The proposal is consistent with the policies contained within Part A: Citywide Plan of the OCP with respect to:


Land Use and Built Environment

·              Providing appropriate locations and development opportunities for a full range of industrial, commercial and institutional activities.

·              Supporting urban centres and corridors as locations for pedestrian and transit-oriented mixed-use development and as hubs for community interaction and identity.


Other Implications


None with respect to this report.


Accessibility Implications


None with respect to this report.




Communication with the public is summarized as follows:


Public notification signage posted

August 2, 2016

Will be published in the Leader-Post

December 3, 2016 December 10, 2016

Letter sent to immediate property owners

August 2, 2016

Number of public comments sheets received



The application was circulated to the Arcola East Community Association. The Community Association responded that they had no concerns regarding the proposed rezoning


The applicant and other interested parties will receive a copy of the report and notification of the meeting to appear as a delegation, in addition to receiving written notification of City Council’s decision.




City Council’s approval is required, pursuant to Part V of The Planning and Development Act, 2007.



Respectfully submitted,






Elaine Gohlke, Secretary