AT REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, Wednesday, June 3, 2020


AT A MEETING OF Regina Planning Commission

HELD IN Public Session


AT 4:00 PM


These are considered a draft rendering of the official minutes. Official minutes can be obtained through the Office of the City Clerk once approved.



Councillor Barbara Young

Councillor Jerry Flegel

Councillor Andrew Stevens

Frank Bojkovsky

Biplob Das

Adrienne Hagen Lyster

Jacob Sinclair

Celeste York

Cheri Moreau

Tak Pham

Steve Tunison






Also in Attendance:

Council Officer, Elaine Gohlke

Legal Counsel, Cheryl Willoughby

Executive Director, City Planning & Community Dev., Diana Hawryluk

Manager, West Planning, Yves Richard

Manager, East Planning, Munir Haque

Senior City Planner, Ben Mario

City Planner II, Michael Sliva




Approval of Public Agenda

Agenda Approval

Biplob Das moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the agenda for this meeting be approved, as submitted, and that the items and delegations be heard in the order they are called forward by the Chairperson.

Adoption of Minutes

Regina Planning Commission - Public - May 6, 2020 4:00 PM

Celeste York moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the minutes for the meeting held on May 6, 2020 be adopted, as circulated.

Administration Reports

RPC20-18              PL202000044 - Discretionary Use Application - Building, Planned Group - Rosewood Park


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.              Approve the discretionary use application for a proposed Planned Group located in Rosewood Park Phase 1 Stage 3, being Parcel E, in the Rosewood Park Subdivision.


2.              Direct the Development Officer to issue a development permit subject to the following conditions:


a.              The development shall be generally consistent with the plans attached to this report as Appendix A-3.1 to A-3.5 inclusive, prepared by Big Block Construction dated January 16, 2020.


b.              Road access is revised to City of Regina Construction Standards.


c.              The development shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations in Regina Zoning Bylaw 2019-19.


d.              Direct the Development Officer to not issue a development permit until a Servicing Agreement has been executed and the subdivision is registered through Information Services Corporation.


3.              Approve these recommendations at its June 24, 2020 meeting.

Alan Wallace, representing National Affordable Housing Corporation, addressed the Commission.

Cheri Moreau moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED,  that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Adrienne Hagen Lyster              Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                          Yes
Jacob Sinclair                                          Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

RPC20-19              PL202000067 - Rosewood Lane Access Overlay


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.      Approve the application to re-zone the property located at SE1/4 Sec 9, Twp 18, Rge 20, W2 191, Lots 1 - 26, Block 104 & Lots 7-12, Block 103, in the Rosewood Park Subdivision to apply the LA - Lane Access Overlay zone and related amendments as outlined in this report, on the condition that the amendments respecting LA – Lane Access Overlay Zone regulations provided for in Bylaw 2020-33 are adopted by City Council at its June 24, 2020 meeting.


2.      Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary bylaw.


3.      Approve these recommendations at its June 24, 2020 meeting, following the required public notice.

Steve Tunison moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED,  that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Adrienne Hagen Lyster              Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                          Yes
Jacob Sinclair                                          Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              No
Councillor Jerry Flegel              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

RPC20-20              PL202000065 - Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application - 1700 - 1788 and 1701 - 1789 West Market Street


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.            Approve the application to rezone the properties located at 1700 - 1788 and 1701 - 1789 West Market Street, legally described as Lots 1-23A, Block 1, Plan No. 102246038 and Lots 1-23A, Block 2, Plan No. 102246038, in the Westerra Subdivision, from RL – Residential Low-Rise Zone to RU – Residential Urban Zone.


2.            Approve the application to amend the Westerra Concept Plan, as depicted on the attached Appendix A-3.1; A-3.2, and adopt the Westerra Concept Plan, as amended, by resolution.


3.            Approve these recommendations at its June 24, 2020 meeting, following the required public notice. 

Chad Jedlic and Blair Forster, representing Forster Harvard Development Corp., addressed the Commission.

Frank Bojkovsky moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED,  that the recommendations contained in the report be concurred in.

Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Adrienne Hagen Lyster              Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                          No
Jacob Sinclair                                          Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

RPC20-21              PL202000059 - Contract Zone Application - 221 N. Winnipeg Street


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.      Approve the application to rezone the property located at 221 N. Winnipeg Street, legally described as Block T, Plan 84R22521, Block C, Plan 101221142 and Block C, Plan FA4603 from IL - Industrial Light Zone to C - Contract Zone to permit “Office, Industry” as a land use at this location.


2.      Approve execution of the contract zone agreement between the City of Regina and the applicant/owner of the subject properties, which shall include the following terms:


i.  A maximum of 4,000 square meters of Office, Industry shall be allowed within the development and other uses shall conform to the IL-Industrial Light zone.


ii. The development shall generally conform to the attached plans, labelled site plan and main floor plan comprising of south premises and south warehouse as shown in Appendices A-2 and A-3.


iii.                       Any zoning related detail not specifically addressed in the contract zone agreement shall be subject to applicable provisions of the Zoning Bylaw.


iv.                       The agreement shall be registered in the City’s interest at the applicant’s cost pursuant to Section 69 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007.


3.      Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary bylaw to authorize the respective Zoning Bylaw amendment.


4.      Approve these recommendations at its June 24, 2020 meeting to allow sufficient time for advertising the required public notice for the respective bylaw.

John Pearson, representing Shindico Realty Inc., addressed the Commission.

Cheri Moreau moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED,  that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Adrienne Hagen Lyster              Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                          Yes
Jacob Sinclair                                          Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              No
Councillor Jerry Flegel              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes



Celeste York moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the meeting adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 5:26 p.m.







__________________________                                          __________________________

Chairperson                                                                                    Secretary