I. Approval of Public Agenda
II. Minutes of the meeting held on October 23, 2013.
III. Tabled Reports
IV. Communications
V. Administration Reports
1. RPC13-78  Proposed SomerSet Concept Plan (09-CP-01)
09-CP-01 App C.pdf
09-CP-01 app D.pdf
09-CP-01 app E.pdf
09-CP-01 app F.pdf
09-CP-01 app G.pdf
09-CP-01 Somerset Rpt.doc
09-CP-01 App A.pdf
09-CP-01 app B.pdf
2. RPC13-79  Applications for Zoning Bylaw Amendment (13-Z-02), Concept Plan Amendment (13-CP-02) and Discretionary Use (13-DU-06) – 510 University Park Drive, Gardiner Park Addition
13-Z-02 rpt.doc
13-Z-02 App A-1.pdf
13-Z-02 App A-2.pdf
13-Z-02 App A-2.1.pdf
13-Z-02 App A-3.1.pdf
13-Z-02 App A-3.1a.pdf
13-Z-02 App A-3.1b.pdf
13-Z-02 App A-3.2.pdf
13-Z-02 App A-3.3a.pdf
13-Z-02 App A-3.3b.pdf
13-Z-02 App B.doc
3. RPC13-80  Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment (13-Z-24) R4A to LC3, 2075 Cameron Street
13-Z-24 RPT.doc
13-Z-24 APP A-1.pdf
13-Z-24 APP A-2.pdf
13-Z-24 APP B.doc
4. RPC13-81 Applications for Zoning Bylaw Amendment (13-Z-06) and Road Closure (13-CL-02) Portion of 1800 Block 2nd Avenue (West of Broad Street)
13-Z-06 13-CL-02 rpt.doc
13-Z-06 App A-1.pdf
13-Z-06 App A-2.pdf
13-Z-06 App A-3.1 revised.pdf
5. RPC13-82  Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment (13-Z-18) Laneway Suites Pilot Project in Harbour Landing McCaughey Street and James Hill Road
13-Z-18 RPT.doc
13-Z-18 App A-1.pdf
13-Z-18 App A-2.pdf
13-Z-18 app a-3.1.pdf
13-Z-18 app a-3.2.pdf
13-Z-18 App a-3.3.pdf
13-Z-18 App A-3.4.pdf
13-Z-18 App A-3.5.pdf
13-Z-18 App A-3.6.pdf
13-Z-18 App A-3.7.pdf
13-Z-18 App A-3.8.pdf
13-Z-18 App A-3.9.pdf
13-Z-18 App A-3.10.pdf
13-Z-18 APP B.doc
6. RPC13-83  Application for Discretionary Use (13-DU-27) Proposed House-Form Commercial Office, 2317 Smith Street
13-DU-27 Rpt.doc
13-DU-27 App A-1.pdf
13-DU-27 App A-2.pdf
13-DU-27 App A-3.1.pdf
13-DU-27 App A-3.2.pdf
13-DU-27 App A-3.3.pdf
13-DU-27 App A-3.4.pdf
VI. Other Reports
VII. Adjournment