City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

RPC Public Report.

Street Closure Application 19-CL-02


Department:Planning & Development ServicesSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable


  1. Printout
  2. Appendix A-1
  3. Appendix B (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)

Report Body


The application proposes to close a portion of the Victoria Avenue Service Road N., as depicted in Appendix A-1. The portion of street is no longer needed for use by the travelling public as the re-alignment of Eastgate Drive now replaces this former road.



Policy / Strategic Impact

Section B, Financial Policies: The proposal is consistent with the policies in Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48 (OCP) with respect to the community goal of achieving long-term financial viability. By divesting itself of an unused portion of road right-of-way, the City of Regina (City) has ensured that there will not be any long-term financial implications associated with the land.



The street closure will relieve the City of any financial obligations for its maintenance or physical condition even though the City will be responsible for maintaining the recently dedicated new portion of Eastgate Drive.


There are no environmental, risk/legal, or other implications and considerations.



Administration recommends approval of the application to close the portion of the street as depicted in Appendix A-1.


An alternative option is to deny the application. Implication of denial is that the road right of way would not be legally closed which is not desirable as it is no longer functioning as a roadway.



The applicant and other interested parties will receive a copy of the report and notification of the meeting to appear as a delegation, in addition to receiving written notification of City Council’s decision.



City of Regina, Land and Real Estate Management Department, has applied to close a portion of the Victoria Avenue Service Road N., which connects to Eastgate Drive, as depicted on Appendix A-1. In 2015, the Victoria Avenue Service Road bridges over Pilot Butte Creek were replaced temporarily and in 2018 Eastgate Drive was re-aligned approximately 65 metres to the north. This now serves as the service road crossing over Pilot Butte Creek. The realignment of Eastgate Drive improved traffic safety at the intersection of Coleman Crescent and Eastgate Drive.


The City intends to continue to hold the property as road allowance that can be used as part of the boulevard, sidewalk and drainage from the Coleman Crescent, Eastgate Drive and Victoria Avenue. It will not be consolidated with adjacent parcels.


As a follow up to report CM18-8 dated May 28, 2018, through this recommendation, the land described as Blk/Par G-Plan FT2014 Ext 3 and located at 140 Coleman Crescent was identified to be dedicated as Municipal Reserve to replace an area of equal to or greater than the area being used to accommodate roadway realignment.


The subject property is currently zoned PS - Public Service and the surrounding land uses are Victoria Avenue to the south, open space land to the north, Coleman Crescent to the west and Eastgate Drive and commercial land uses to the east.


Administration recommends approving the application because:


1.      The proposed development is consistent with the policies in the OCP.


2.      The proposed stretch of the road is temporarily closed with the construction of a new road immediately north of this location in 2018. The street is no longer needed for use by the travelling public and is not functioning as a roadway.


Letters were mailed out to property owners in the vicinity, and statutory notice will be published in the Regina Leader-Post. The Dewdney East Community Association was advised of the application. Administration received one comment from the public and there were no issues raised through this outreach. A summary of feedback is provided in Appendix B.



On June 20, 2016 the Public Works Committee approved in principle the new Eastgate Drive alignment and creek crossing to Coleman Crescent (PWI16-8).


In May of 2018, City Council considered report CM18-8 and approved the use of Public Reserve space for the Eastgate Drive realignment. The recommendation also required Administration to dedicate an area within Fines Drive Park of equal to or greater than the area being used to accommodate roadway realignment.


A street closure requires City Council’s approval, in accordance with Part III of The Cities Act.


Respectfully submitted,


Respectfully submitted,

Fred Searle, Director

Planning & Development Services

Diana Hawryluk, Executive Director

City Planning & Community Development


Prepared by: Binod Poudyal, City Planner II