City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

EX Public Report.

2021 Budget Submission - Provincial Capital Commission


Department:Financial ServicesSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable


  1. Printout
  2. Appendix A - PCC Budget Submission

Report Body



As required by legislation, it has been the practice of the PCC to present to Executive Committee their work plan and budget request for the coming year. The purpose of the submission is to inform the Committee of the community investment that is being requested from the City. The PCCs 2021-22 Plan and Budget is included as Appendix A.


The deliberation and approval of the request is undertaken as part of Councils consideration and approval of the overall General Fund Budget, as a result, once discussed at Executive Committee, PCCs funding request is referred to the 2021 budget process for future budget deliberation by City Council.




Financial Implications


The 2021 budget allocation for the PCC will be approved by City Council through future budget deliberations.


Accessibility Implications


Accessibility features will be incorporated in the Candy Cane Park Accessibility and Safety Upgrades project which is included in the capital project submission.


There are no environmental, policy/strategic, risk/legal or other implications or considerations.




None with respect to this report.




The Provincial Capital Commission will be advised of the decision of City Council.




Under The Provincial Capital Commission Act, the Government of Saskatchewan established a Board of Directors representing Wascana Centres three participating parties. The Board contains three representatives from the Government of Saskatchewan and one each from the City of Regina and University of Regina. The PCC provides oversight and stewardship of 2,300 acres of land within the City of Regina, including land owned by each participating party and occupied by diverse tenants.


Pursuant to legislation, the majority of PCCs revenue is in the form of grant contributions from the PCCs participating parties: Government of Saskatchewan, City of Regina and University of Regina.


PCC has presented a total request from the City of Regina of $2,719,000, which is the same as their 2020 request which was included and approved in the 2020 budget. This includes an operating funding request of $2,119,000 and a capital request of $600,000 in 2021. The capital budget request includes plans for two projects:


Candy Cane Park Accessibility and Safety Upgrades

Enhancements to the park include:

-          Wheelchair accessible playground equipment, sensory equipment and rubber flooring for needle safety program.


Active Transportation City Partnership Pilot

-          Green Bike/Running Lane on Wascana Drive



On July 6, 2020 (PPC20-12), the Executive Director, Financial Sustainability & Strategy presented an Economic and Preliminary 2021 Budget Development Update to the Priorities and Planning Committee.


The recommendations in this report require City Council approval.



Respectfully Submitted,              Respectfully Submitted,




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