City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

CC Committee Report

Official Community Plan Amendment, Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Discretionary Use
1222 15th Avenue – PL202200275; PL202300049


Department:Office of the City Clerk- Council ReportsSponsors:
Category:Not ApplicableFunctions:RPC Committee Reports

Report Body

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At the April 11, 2023 meeting of Regina Planning Commission, the Commission considered the attached report RPC23-10 from the City Planning & Development Division.


Celeste York declared a conflict of interest, citing her daughter's partnership in 1080 Architecture Planning + Interiors, abstained from discussion and voting, and temporarily left the meeting.


The following addressed the Commission:


-        Tanya Dahms, Regina; and

-        Edward Archibald, representing Archibald Building Group, Regina,

and Jaden Janzen and LeeAnn Croft, representing 1080 Architecture, Regina.


The Commission adopted a resolution to concur in the recommendation contained in the report.


Recommendation #7 in the attached report does not require City Council approval.


Respectfully submitted,


