City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

RPC Public Report.

Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Regina Bypass and 9th Avenue North - PL202100088


Department:Planning & Development ServicesSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable


  1. Printout
  2. Appendix A-1
  3. Appendix A-2
  4. PL202100088 Appendix B (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)

Report Body




Dream Asset Management Corporation (Applicant) and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (Owner) propose to rezone the subject properties, being proposed parcels              MU1 Municipal Utility 1 and MU2 Municipal Utility 2, from UH - Urban Holding Zone to

PS – Public Service Zone to facilitate infrastructure development to support the future Coopertown neighbourhood. These properties are located south of 9th Avenue North and east of the Regina Bypass.


Property owners can submit applications to change the zoning designation of their property. This requires an amendment to the Regina Zoning Bylaw 2019-19 (Zoning Bylaw) and requires review by Regina Planning Commission (RPC) and approval of the amendment by City Council. These applications include a public and technical review process in advance of consideration by RPC and Council.


This application is being considered pursuant to The Planning and Development Act, 2007

(Act); Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48 (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw. The proposal has been assessed and is deemed to comply with the Act, OCP (Part A) and the Zoning Bylaw.




Financial Impacts

Typically, applicants are responsible for the cost of any new, or changes to existing, infrastructure that may be required to directly or indirectly support any proposed development that may follow, in accordance with City standards and applicable legal requirements.


The infrastructure upgrades will be paid for by the developer unless other arrangements are negotiated and approved through Council during future subdivision and servicing agreement review.


Environmental Impact

City Council set a community goal for the City of Regina of achieving net-zero emissions and sourcing of net-zero renewable energy by 2050. In support of this goal, City Council asked Administration to provide energy and greenhouse gas implications of recommendations so that Council can evaluate the climate impacts of its decisions.


The recommendations in this report are for property rezoning which has limited direct impacts on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Subsequent development on the land will facilitate stormwater (drainage channel) and wastewater services (Coopertown Lift Station). The construction of those services will be reviewed in accordance with City policy at the time of development, including the following:


·         For the drainage channel, the City will ensure there are minimal impacts on the aquifer and the connection to Wascana Creek.

·         For the Coopertown Lift Station, the City will ensure the energy required to operate the lift station is appropriate and offset by other benefits such as reductions in flooding and enhancing operational efficiencies and safety. It should be noted that more energy intensive equipment may be necessary with the larger infrastructure as preliminary analyses have shown the depth of this lift station is governed by the potential trunk to redirect flows effectively.


Policy/Strategic Impact

The proposed development complies with OCP Part A policies and is consistent with the following OCP – Part A goals/ policies:


·         Section D4, Goal 1, Policy 6.2: Ensure new and reconstructed infrastructure follows industry best practices and overall City standards for design and construction.


Construction of the proposed development will align with the industry best practices and City standards.


·         Section D4, Goal 3, Policy 6.7A: Utilize municipal utility parcels for stormwater

management where combining stormwater management and open space is not appropriate


Parcel MU1 (a municipal utility parcel) is not included within an approved Concept Plan. The usage of a municipal utility parcel allows infrastructure to be built without impacting an existing neighbourhood.


The proposed development is consistent with OCP: Part B.17: Coopertown Neighbourhood Plan


·         Policy 5.3.2: The location of major wastewater infrastructure (e.g. mains and facilities) should be in general accordance with Figure 12 of this Plan.


The Coopertown Lift Station is identified to be in the general location of the proposed development. 




Alternative options would be:


1.      Refer the application back to Administration. If City Council has specific concerns with the proposal, it may refer it back to Administration for further review.


2.      Deny the application and the lands would remain in the UH Urban Holding Zone.




The Applicant and other interested parties will receive a copy of the report and notification of their right to appear as a delegation at the Council meeting when the application will be considered. The Applicant will receive written notification of City Council’s decision in accordance with The Planning and Development Act, 2007.






The intent of the proposed rezoning is to accommodate infrastructure required for the future development of the Coopertown Neighbourhood. A stormwater drainage channel is proposed on Municipal Utility Parcel (MU1) and a wastewater lift station (Coopertown Lift Station) is proposed on Municipal Utility Parcel (MU2).


The stormwater drainage channel will connect to Wascana Creek. The drainage channel will be constructed without negatively impacting the aquifer and Wascana Creek, in accordance with the Coopertown Neighborhood Plan Part B.17, Policy 5.4.2 e) iii.


The Coopertown Lift Station, as outlined in the Coopertown Neighborhood Plan Part B.17, Policy 5.3.2 (a), will serve the developments in the Coopertown Neighborhood and is also expected to be sized and designed to accept wastewater flows from other areas in the Citys northwest to allow for the eventual decommissioning of the Westhill and Mapleridge lift stations. It is the City’s preference that operation efficiency be enhanced by eliminating redundant, inefficient or aging facilities. There is no set timing for the decommissioning of existing infrastructure; however, the direction to realize the efficiencies is outlined in the Coopertown Neighborhood Plan Part B.17, Policy 5.3.2 (b)(ii).


Parcel MU1 is approximately 12.07 ha and Parcel MU2 is approximately 1.00 ha. The subject properties are currently vacant agricultural land. City Administration is reviewing the related subdivision application and if approved, the properties will become dedicated land owned by the City. Although no construction dates are identified for the infrastructure, the rezoning will allow the applicant to proceed with their infrastructure upgrades based on future market conditions. There are no other applications for other sites within the Coopertown Neighbourhood being reviewed at this time.




The stormwater channel is anticipated to have minimal impact on surrounding properties as it simply collects and distributes stormwater. The wastewater lift station will generate minimal noise or nuisance. The nearest residential property is approximately 350 metres from the proposed lift station and it is not anticipated the nuisance impacts residential properties.


Community Engagement


In accordance with the public notice requirements of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, neighbouring property owners within 75 metres of the proposed development received written notice of the application. The Prairie View Community Association was contacted but did not respond. Comments from neighbouring properties are captured in Appendix B.




April 14, 2017 City Council approved the Coopertown Neighborhood Plan (CR17-37)


August 30, 2018 City Council approved the Coopertown Concept Plan for Phase 1     (CR18-75).


June 24, 2019 City Council amended the Coopertown Neighbourhood Plan to its current form (CR19-60).


City Council’s approval is required pursuant to Part V of The Planning and Development Act, 2007.



Respectfully Submitted,              Respectfully Submitted,




Prepared by: {ResUserUser1:First Last, Title}