City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

EX Public Report.

Deloitte LLP - City of Regina Efficiency Review


Department:Office of the City ClerkSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable

Report Body



Deloitte LLP has concluded an Efficiency Review of six City services (Procurement, Fleet Lifecycle Management, Roadways Management, Parks & Open Space Management, Facilities Lifecycle Management, Information Technology).


Deloitte LLP has identified and validated 53 efficiency opportunities with an estimated annual benefit of $26.9 milion. Of the 53 opportunities, 14 have been identified as high value with an estimated annual benefit of $17.2 million. Achieving this benefit requires a one-time investment in the range of $6.5M-12.6M.


Deloitte LLP’s complete report is included in Appendix A: “City of Regina Efficiency Review”.



The Efficiency and Recovery Task Force, union leaders and City employees have been informed of Deloitte LLP’s findings. Deloitte LLP - City of Regina Efficiency Review report is available to the public as part of the December 1, 2021, Executive Committee agenda package.




City Administration received Deloitte LLP’s final report on November 23, 2021.


As Deloitte LLP’s work concludes, the Administration remains committed to continuous improvement and becoming a more modern, productive organization providing residents with services they depend on in an efficient, cost-effective manner.


In January 2022, Administration will present a report to Executive Committee responding to Deloitte LLP’s report, including an action plan. The action plan will see work beginning on all 14 high value opportunities in 2022 with all being fully implemented by the end of 2024.




On July 7, 2021, Executive Committee received, filed, and permanently closed report E21-37, which was an update for the review which outlined the six services selected for review.


On February 24, 2021, City Council approved CR21-24 which directed Administration to procure an independent, third-party consultant to conduct an Efficiency Review of six to eight City services.


Respectfully submitted,


Chris Holden, City Manager


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