City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

EX Public Report.
Carried as Amended
Feb 17, 2021 4:00 AM

2020 Review of Public Outstanding Items


Department:Office of the City ClerkSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable


  1. Printout
  2. Schedule A.1 - City Council (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)
  3. Schedule A.2 - Community and Protective Services (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)
  4. Schedule A.3 - Executive Committee (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)
  5. Schedule A.4 - Finance and Adminstration (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)
  6. Schedule A.5 - Mayor's Housing Commission (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)
  7. Schedule A.6 - Priorities and Planning (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)
  8. Schedule A.7 - Public Works and Infrastructure (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)
  9. Schedule A.8 - Regina Planning Commission (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)

Report Body



Subsection 35(2) of The Procedure Bylaw, Bylaw No. 9004 requires the City Clerk to provide a report to the Executive Committee annually which lists all items and the priority of the items that have been tabled or referred by City Council or one of its committees.  The purpose of this report is to provide a list of the most recent outstanding items.




Strategic Impacts


Regular review of outstanding items provides both Council and the City Administration an opportunity to review and refocus priorities and resources as required based on current initiatives, needs of the community and corporate strategy.


There are no financial, environmental, accessibility or legal/risk impacts.




Not approve the removal of the item outlined in the recommendations of this report.




This report is published to the City of Regina website for public viewing.




Lists of Outstanding Items are maintained for City Council and its committees.  Items on the list may originate from:


·         a recommendation in a report which indicates that another report will be forthcoming


·         a motion adopted to refer an item back to the Administration or to request a report on a related matter


·         a motion adopted by City Council or another committee requesting the Administration to prepare a report


The Office of the City Clerk is responsible for maintaining and updating the lists.  Items remain on the list unless a report or the committee recommends their removal. The lists are updated with additions and deletions, as meetings are held and after review by the Executive Committee. 


The following steps were taken to facilitate the annual review of the outstanding items:


·         the lists of outstanding items as of December 31, 2020 were circulated to departments for comments


·         the comments and lists were returned to the Office of the City Clerk for consolidation


·         the updated lists with comments were forwarded to the City Manager for review


In previous years, the outstanding items reports were first circulated to the affected committees prior to consideration by the Executive Committee. This process allows committees to have detailed discussions of each item with the Administration and among themselves to determine priorities for City Councils consideration. Due to the change in members of City Council, as a result of the municipal election and the recent approval of CR20-93 2020 Committee Structure Review on December 2, 2020, which resulted in the amalgamation of several main committees, the reports were not circulated to their respective committees.


Attached to this report, as Schedules “A.1 – A.8”, is a list of the outstanding public session items before City Council and each of its committees. The Finance and Administration Committee does not have any items on their list of outstanding items.




The last review of outstanding items by Executive Committee was considered on January 15, 2020.


Pursuant to section 35(2) of The Procedure Bylaw, Bylaw No. 9004 The City Clerk shall provide in January of each year to the Executive Committee a report which lists all items and the priority of the items which have been tabled or referred by Council or committees to the administration for further review.


Respectfully Submitted,              Respectfully Submitted,




Prepared by: {ResUserUser1:First Last, Title}