City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

BOR Hearing

Review of 2020 Decision Wording Precedent Document


Department:Office of the City ClerkSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable

Report Body



The Decision Wording Precedent Document is attached for consideration by the Board.  The document may be reviewed, amended or added to at any time by the Board to ensure that it meets the needs of the members.




There are no impacts, other implications or considerations.




None with respect to this report




None with respect to this report.



The purpose of this report is to facilitate a review of the Board of Revision Decision Wording Precedent Document.




The Decision Wording Precedent document was created by Board members to assist in streamlining the process of writing decisions.  The references in the document assist in standardizing the form and content of decisions issued by different Board panels.  The document is focused on more commonly experienced situations.  Other situations will arise where members will be required to determine the wording required.  Members are encouraged to use the document in writing decisions as a guide and to actively participate in the review and evolution of the document.


The Board has authority for the disposition of this report.



Respectfully Submitted,




Prepared by: {ResUserUser1:First Last, Title}