City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

PPC Public Report.

Waste Update 2019


Department:Water, Waste & EnvironmentSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable


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Report Body



A presentation will be given to the members of the Priorities and Planning Committee to provide an update on the major developments, accomplishments and issues in waste in the past year. Numerous significant decision items related to waste will be coming forward in the next few years. This presentation is intended to provide members of the Priorities and Planning Committee with the background and context necessary to support their decisions on emerging issues in waste. A question and answer period will follow.





Environmental Impacts

The presentation addresses the potential waste minimization and diversion implications of waste initiatives. While Waste Plan Regina provides an overview of current and past waste projects, this presentation will highlight future impacts. 


Policy/Strategic Impact

The presentation will equip Council to make future policy decisions in line with the Official Community Plan and Waste Plan Regina.


There are no accessibility, financial, risk/legal impacts or other implications or considerations related to this report.




Not applicable.




Public awareness and education campaigns are regularly developed and updated to encourage residents to divert waste from the landfill. As future decisions are made, Communication strategies will be developed to inform and educate residents of any changes to the City’s waste management programs while continuing to encourage residents to contribute to the environmental sustainability of our community




This presentation will review what has happened in waste in the last year and the major decision items related to waste that will be coming forward over the next few years. The information covered includes:


·         A summary of new programming and accomplishments from 2019, which will be expanded on in the Waste Plan Regina Update, scheduled for February 2020.  The presentation is a high-level summary of the key program changes that occurred in 2019.  It includes the rollout of a Curbside Education program (Cart Smart), involvement and comparison to municipal benchmarking indices, public outreach activities, development of the permanent Yard Waste Depot, and the rollout of the internal City Facilities Recycling Pilot (GREEN Routine).


·         A key focus of the presentation is the upcoming decision items coming to Council related to proposed program changes between 2020 – 2023. This includes information on the following policy considerations: green procurement, curbside education and enforcement, and mandating other sectors (such as industrial, commercial, institutional, construction and demolition sectors) to undertake recycling and/or composting.


·         Changes in the recycling markets related to China’s National Sword Program. Recycling is a market-based activity.  The last few years have seen a global downward trend in the value of recyclables as commodities. Worldwide, end markets have changed, and in some cases dried up.  Moreover, end markets are looking for different quantities, types, and quality of recyclable materials. This shift in the global market will have an impact on future recycling collection and processing contracts when the City goes to market at the end of the current contracts.


·         The upcoming addition of a new curbside service (Food and Yard Waste), its pilot and subsequent citywide rolloutThe Food and Yard Waste program is a major opportunity to advance Regina towards Council’s goal of 65% diversion of residential waste. Citywide, the average resident’s garbage cart is composed of approximately 50% organic material. This represents an opportunity not only to divert waste, but also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


·         Relevant changes in provincial legislation that can impact current City-delivered programs.  The Province of Saskatchewan announced new Provincial Stewardship Legislation for Household Hazardous Waste in 2019.  This new legislation obligates the producers and first sellers of household hazardous materials to take responsibility for these products at the end of their useful life. This will bring about changes in how the City of Regina participates in delivery of related services (Household Hazardous Waste Days) and programs.





In June 2018, City Council approved annual biweekly curbside garbage collection from November – March (CR18-68). In September 2018, Council approved a residential year-round curbside food and yard waste collection (CR18-92). In March 2019, the 2018 Waste Plan Regina Update (PWI19-5) was received and filed by the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.


Respectfully submitted,              Respectfully submitted,




Prepared by: {Dr. Juanita Elford, Waste Minimization Specialist}