City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

RPC Public Report

Supplemental Report for Civic Naming Committee Guidelines Review - Status of Motions


Department:Office of the City ClerkSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable


  1. Printout

Report Body



To provide additional information on report RPC18-23, Civic Naming Committee Guideline Review and the related motions made during consideration of this item at the Regina Planning Commission (RPC) meeting held on September 5, 2018.




At the May 2, 2018 RPC meeting, Administration brought forward report RPC18-23, Civic Naming Committee Guideline Review. The Commission directed Administration to return with a supplemental report to the September 5, 2018 RPC meeting after engaging in further consultation with the Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association (RRHBA). Report RPC18-39 Supplemental Report for Civic Naming Committee Guidelines Review was created as a result of consultation with the RRHBA.


At the September 5, 2018 RPC meeting, the Commission considered reports: RPC18-39 Supplemental Report for Civic Naming Committee Guidelines Review and RPC18-23 Civic Naming Committee Guideline Review.


RPC18-39 Supplemental Report for Civic Naming Committee Guidelines Review was received and filed.


Councillor Hawkins made four amending motions during the consideration of the original report. All four of the motions were considered, with two motions being passed, one motion being defeated and the fourth amending motion being tabled so more information could be provided with respect to park names bearing names with an Indigenous connection.  The Commission asked that a supplemental report, with more information based on their discussion, be prepared for the November 7, 2018 RPC meeting to assist them in making an informed decision on the final amendment and the recommendations in the report.  The final amendment and report were tabled to the November 7 meeting for further consideration.


Administration was asked to provide the supplemental report at least 2 weeks in advance of the November 7, 2018 meeting date in order to provide additional time for Commission members to consider the report.




Councillor Hawkins proposed four motions in amendment to RPC18-23 Civic Naming Committee Guideline Review.


Motion #1:

That the Regina Planning Commission review and make recommendations to City Council regarding the recommendation contained in RPC18-23, being the ‘Civic Naming Committee Guideline Review’, including Appendices A through F attached thereto, placed before the Regina Planning Commission by the City Administration.


Vote Result:

Motion was put and declared CARRIED



RPC18-23 Civic Naming Committee Guideline Review will be sent to City Council for review and approval.




Motion #2:

With respect to Appendix B, Proposed Terms of Reference – Civic Naming Committee, Composition, that the Committee membership be increased from 7 to 8 as follows:

1.      2 Representatives from the Office of the City Clerk be reduced to one representative;

2.      1 Representative Developer from the Development community be added; and,

3.      1 Representative being an elected member of Regina City Council be added.


Vote Result:

Motion was put and declared LOST


Appendix B, Proposed Terms of Reference – Civic Naming Committee, Composition will go forward to City Council for approval unchanged.




Motion #3:

With respect to 5.1.6 of Appendix A of the Civic Naming Committee Guideline Review which reads “Developers will be allowed to name all local roads within a concept plan in accordance with these guidelines”, that the words “Developers” be replaced with the words “The Civic Naming Committee”.


Vote Result:

Motion was put and declared CARRIED



RPC is recommending to City Council that these changes be made to 5.1.6 of Appendix A:


1.      Developers will have direct responsibility for naming private roads (roads contained within a single piece of property)

2.      The City of Regina will have direct responsibility for naming arterial (high capacity) and collector (low to moderate capacity) roads

3.      The Civic Naming Committee will have direct responsibility for naming local (low capacity) roads




Motion #4:

With respect to 4.9.1 of Appendix A of the Civic Naming Committee Guideline Review which reads, “Naming Quota Requirements: Developers must ensure that 25% of street and 50% of park names within a concept plan bear a name with an Indigenous connection”:

·         That the word “Developers” be replaced with the words “Civic Naming Committee”, and;

·         That the words “25% of street and 50% of park names” be replaced with the words “significant number of street and park names”


Vote Result:

Tabled to November 7, 2018 RPC meeting for further discussion



Additional information will be provided to the Commission in a supplementary report about two weeks prior to the meeting and further discussion will take place at the November 7, 2018 RPC meeting before a vote is taken.


Discussion on the fourth motion brought forward the following points:


·         Commission’s discussion about the meaning of the word “significant”:


o       Discussion centred on whether there is greater impact in naming a large street versus naming many smaller streets with Indigenous names.

o       Concern was expressed that developers may place Indigenous names on small streets and pocket parks.

o       Concern was expressed on how to quantify the word “significant” in the absence of a numerical total.


·         Administration’s responses to questions regarding how the quotas of 25% and 50% were derived:


o       The numbers were set arbitrarily with the goal of balancing historical imbalances in naming with the percentage of people of Indigenous descent in Regina and area.

o       According to Statistics Canada’s 2016 Fact Sheet for Saskatchewan on Aboriginal Peoples, the Indigenous population is about 16% of the total population and 13% of Regina’s population.

o       Less than 1% of streets in Regina have a name with an Indigenous connection;

o       These quotas are the most ambitious in Canada and there has been interest from other cities in what the impact will be.

o       About 5 streets and 2 parks in a concept plan would have a name with an Indigenous connection under this system.


·         Response to confusion on how amending motion #3 would impact amending motion #4:


o       The City of Regina will name arterial and connector roads.

o       The Civic Naming Committee will name local roads.

o       Developers will name private roads.

o       Developers can make suggestions re: park names.

o       The Civic Naming Committee will be responsible for ensuring Indigenous naming quotas are met for parks.

o       Control over street and park naming would be placed into the hands of the City of Regina to a much greater degree


After a decision is made on the fourth amending motion, and after any other amending motions, if any, are made at the November 7 meeting, recommendation #1 should be amended to read:


That Regina Planning Commission approve the new Civic Naming Committee Guidelines as outlined in Appendix A, as amended.


All of the amending motions, as previously voted on at the September 5 meeting, have been decided and will go forward to City Council for approval.




Financial Implications


None as to this report.


Environmental Implications


Public health and safety are directly affected by street and park naming due to the impact on response times for first responders (Regina Police Service, Fire & Protective Services, and Emergency Medical Services).


Policy and/or Strategic Implications


The recommendations in this report support Design Regina – Official Community Plan and the supplemental Regina Cultural Plan.  The Regina Cultural Plan Objective “Commemorate and Celebrate Regina’s Cultural Heritage” identified the Action “Ensure that the naming of streets, parks and other civic assets is done to celebrate Regina’s unique history and cultural diversity, and that it tells the whole story of Regina.”  This Action was identified as a Mid Term Action (4-7 years).


Other Implications


The City of Regina has regional partners with autonomous street and park naming powers, including but not limited to Provincial Capital Commission, Regina Airport Authority, University of Regina (as part of Provincial Capital Commission), Sakimay First Nations, Global Transportation Hub and Rural Municipality of Sherwood.  Many of these partners have expressed a desire to harmonize street and park naming with the City of Regina to aid in health, safety and wayfinding.  The Administration has spoken to representatives from these regional partners in the past and will continue to do so on an ongoing basis as needed to harmonize naming within the City of Regina and region.


Accessibility Implications


None as to this report.




Changes to the Civic Naming Committee Guideline will be communicated to the public through the following mediums:


·         Earned media (news release)

·         City of Regina social media (Facebook/Twitter posts to communicate changes, and posts that will spotlight select individuals on the street naming list and link to content)

· (the primary source of information for Regina residents)

·         Email (interested parties)




Pursuant to section 100 of The Cities Act, the Regina Planning Commission is delegated the authority from Council to interpret and approve the policy and guidelines for names of streets, city facilities and parks.


Notwithstanding the delegation, the members of the Regina Planning Commission have opted to send the report to City Council for deliberation, reflecting the seriousness of the content of the report.



Respectfully submitted,

Respectfully submitted,



Report prepared by:


