City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

CC Committee Report

Regina Planning Commission: Zoning Amendment Application (18-Z-03) Assisted Living Apartment Definition
Discretionary Use Application (18-DU-04) Assisted Living Apartment - Low Rise
4224 & 4232 Wakeling Street – Harbour Landing


Department:Office of the City ClerkSponsors:
Category:Committee Report

Report Body




The following addressed the Commission:


-        Greg Popowich, representing Input Housing and Dylan Elliott, representing SEPW Architecture Inc.; and


-        Elizabeth Popowich, representing Nicholas Popowich.


The Commission adopted a resolution to concur in the recommendation contained in the report.


Recommendation #4 does not require City Council approval.


Councillors:  Bob Hawkins, Mike O’Donnell (Chairperson) and Barbara Young; Commissioners: David Bale, Frank Bojkovsky, Simon Kostic, Andre Kroeger, Adrienne Hagen Lyster, Robert Porter and Steve Tunison were present during consideration of this report by the Regina Planning Commission.



The Regina Planning Commission, at its meeting held on June 6, 2018, considered the following report from the Administration:



1.      That the proposed amendment to Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250, as specified in Appendix C of this report, be approved.


2.      That the Discretionary Use Application for a proposed Assisted Living Apartment – Low Rise, located at 4224 and 4232 Wakeling Street, be approved, and that a Development Permit be issued subject to the following conditions:


a)      The development is conditional on either a consolidation of lots or a parcel tie of the subject lots being registered on the titles prior to the issuance of a development permit.


b)     The development shall be generally consistent with the plans attached to this report as Appendix A-3.1 to A-3.6 inclusive, prepared by SEPW Architecture Inc. and dated January 16, 2018.


c)      The development shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations in the Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250.


3.      That the City Solicitor be directed to prepare the necessary bylaws to authorize the respective amendment in the Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250.


4.      That this report be forwarded to the June 25, 2018 meeting of City Council for approval, which will allow sufficient time for advertising of the required public notices for the respective bylaws.




An application for a Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250 (Zoning Bylaw) amendment has been submitted to allow for a textual amendment that would remove the reference to “seniors” from the current land use classifications of Seniors Assisted Living Apartment (low and high rise) and replace with Assisted Living Apartment which would allow any individual requiring assisted living to fall within the land use classification. A Discretionary Use application has also been submitted for the consideration of an Assisted Living Apartment at 4224 and 4232 Wakeling Street which is within the Harbour Landing Neighbourhood. The subject lands are zoned R5 – Medium Density Residential Zone in which an Assisted Living Apartment is discretionary.


Administration has reviewed the application to amend the Zoning Bylaw to remove reference to Seniors Assisted Living Apartment and replace with Assisted Living Apartments and have concluded that the change can be recommended as it would enable the diversity of housing types to support residents from a wide range of economic levels, backgrounds and stages of life, including those with special needs.


The proposal complies with the development standards and regulations contained in the Zoning Bylaw and is consistent with the policies in Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48 (OCP). Accordingly, the Administration recommends approval.




In 2013 City Council approved a discretionary use for the subject property for the development of 11 townhouse dwelling units (CR13-151). This development did not proceed and a revised proposal has now been submitted for the subject property.


This application is being considered pursuant to the Zoning Bylaw, the OCP and The Planning and Development Act, 2007 (Act).


Pursuant to subsection 56(3) of the Act, Council may establish conditions for discretionary uses based on: nature of the proposed site (including its size, shape and proposed size, shape and arrangement of buildings) and certain aspects of site design (such as site access and traffic patterns, landscaping, screening, parking and loading areas), but not including the colour, texture or type of materials and architectural details.




Zoning Amendment Proposal


The definition of Seniors Assisted Living Apartment in the Zoning Bylaw is, “an apartment building designed to accommodate seniors as they age and which includes common areas for dining and socializing, and services such as meals, housekeeping and personal care.” In addition to the land use category catering to the senior demographic, the Zoning Bylaw also provides for relaxation to parking standards as it is typical and evident that not all residents will have access to an automobile or be able to drive.


The applicant is requesting a textual amendment to the Zoning Bylaw that would remove the reference to “seniors” from the current land use designation and alter the definition so that it may apply to others who require some sort of assisted living. This amendment is proposed for both low and high rise apartment buildings that provide assistance to their residents.  


Discretionary Use Application


In addition, the applicant has also submitted a discretionary use application to develop an Assisted Living Apartment (Low Rise) consisting of 11 dwellings units at 4224 and 4232 Wakeling Street in Harbour Landing. 


Ten of the units will be for adults with mild to moderate cognitive disabilities. All residents will be capable of living on their own with some general oversight and assisted living. The eleventh unit is proposed to house an on-site person or couple who will oversee the general operation of the facility and provide support if necessary.


The land use and zoning related details are summarized in the follow table:


Land Use Details




R5 – Medium Density Residential Zone

R5 – Medium Density Residential Zone

Land Use


Assisted Living Apartment – Low Rise

Building Floor Area


1,223.8 m2


Zoning Analysis



Number of Parking Stalls Required

5 stalls

(calculated at 0.4 stalls per unit)

11 stalls provided on site

Minimum Lot Area (m2)

500 m2

1,581 m2

Maximum Building Height (m)

11.0 m

10.75 m

Maximum Floor Area Ratio



Maximum Coverage (%)




The surrounding land uses include detached dwellings on all sides.


The Harbour Landing Concept Plan identifies this area as Medium Density Residential, which currently supports Seniors Assisted Living Low Rise Apartment. The Harbour Landing Concept Plan is shown in Appendix A-3.7.




Financial Implications


The subject properties will receive a full range of municipal services including water, sewer and storm drainage. The applicant will be responsible for the cost of any additional or changes to existing infrastructure that may be required to directly or indirectly support the development, in accordance with City standards and applicable legal requirements.


Environmental Implications


None with respect to this report.


Policy/Strategic Implications


The proposal is consistent with the policies contained within Part A of the OCP with respect to:


Section D5: Land Use and Built Environments


Goal 1 – Complete Neighbourhoods


Enable the development of complete neighbourhoods.


7.1               Require that new neighbourhoods, new mixed-use neighbourhoods, intensification areas and built or approved neighbourhoods are planned and developed to include the following:


7.1.5              A diversity of housing types to support residents from a wide range of economic levels, backgrounds and stages of life, including those with special needs.


Section D6: Housing


Goal 1 – Housing Supply and Affordability


Increase the housing supply and improve housing affordability.


8.1              Support attainable housing in all neighbourhoods through ownership, rental housing and specific needs housing.


8.8               Support residential intensification in existing and new neighbourhoods to create complete neighbourhoods.


Goal 4 – Housing for Persons with Specific Needs


Facilitate choice and integration of housing for persons with specific needs.


8.15              Work with stakeholders to create and preserve barrier-free housing and housing for persons with specific needs.


Section D11: Social Development


Goal 5 – Social Inclusion


Ensure that Regina is socially inclusive and strives for social equality regardless of age, ethnicity, religion, income, sexual orientation, ability or family structure.


13.20              Support the city’s population of seniors and persons with specific needs.


Other Implications


It was recommended by Regina Transit that paratransit service be provided for this proposed development, given that the use of the development is an Assisted Living facility. The Harbour Landing bus route is located on James Hill Road which is located approximately 225 metres from the subject property.


Accessibility Implications


The Zoning Bylaw requires two per cent of the required parking stalls (gross parking calculation) to be accessible. The proposed development provides one parking stall for persons with disabilities, which exceeds the minimum requirements as no accessible parking stalls are required.


The proposed Assisted Living Apartment will be required to meet all accessibility requirements, as per the 2015 National Building Code, The Uniform Building and Accessibility Standards Act and Regulations, and the Building Bylaw 2003-7.




Communication with the public is summarized as follows:


Public notification signage posted on

February 27, 2018

Will be published in The Leader-Post on

June 9 and 16, 2018

Letter sent to immediate property owners

February 21, 2018

Public Open House held


Number of Public Comments Sheets received



A copy of the application was circulated to the Albert Park Community Association (APCA). The Administration attempted contact with the APCA following circulation of the proposal but was not able to obtain comments prior to the deadline for submission of this report. The application was also circulated to all the community associations in the City of Regina because the broad city-wide scope as Assisted Living Apartment can develop in many communities city-wide. Comment was not received from the community associations.


The Administration received six public comment sheets. A more detailed account of the respondents’ concerns and Administration’s response is provided in Appendix B. 


The applicant and interested parties will receive a copy of the report and notification of the meeting to appear as a delegation in addition to receiving written notification of City Council’s decision.




City Council’s approval is required, pursuant to Part V of The Planning and Development Act, 2007.



Respectfully submitted,






Elaine Gohlke, Secretary