AT REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, Wednesday, December 2, 2020


AT A MEETING OF City Council


AT 1:30 PM


These are considered a draft rendering of the official minutes. Official minutes can be obtained through the Office of the City Clerk once approved.



Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk

Councillor Dan LeBlanc

Councillor Terina Shaw

Councillor Shanon Zachidniak

Councillor Landon Mohl

Councillor Lori Bresciani

Councillor John Findura

Councillor Bob Hawkins

Councillor Jason Mancinelli

Councillor Andrew Stevens

Mayor Sandra Masters






Also in Attendance:

City Clerk, Jim Nicol

Deputy City Clerk, Amber Ackerman

City Manager, Chris Holden

City Solicitor, Byron Werry

Executive Director, City Planning & Community Dev., Diana Hawryluk

Executive Director, Louise Folk

Exec. Director,Financial Strategy & Sustainability, Barry Lacey

Executive Director, Citizen Services, Kim Onrait

Director, Assessment, Tax & Utility Billing, Deborah Bryden

Director, Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services, Laurie Shalley




Confirmation of Agenda

Agenda Approval-Seconder

Councillor Shanon Zachidniak moved, seconded by Councillor Lori Bresciani, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the agenda for this meeting be approved, as submitted.

Adoption of Minutes

City Council - Public - Oct 28, 2020 1:30 PM

Councillor Lori Bresciani moved, seconded by Councillor Andrew Stevens, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the minutes for the meeting held on October 28, 2020 be adopted, as circulated.


CMC20-4              Official Statement of Results - 2020 Municipal/School Board Election


That City Council receive and file this communication.

Councillor Bob Hawkins moved, seconded by Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk, that this report be received and filed.

Councillor Bob Hawkins                  Yes
Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk         Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens             Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani                 Yes
Councillor John Findura                  Yes
Councillor Dan LeBlanc                   Yes
Councillor Terina Shaw                   Yes
Councillor Shanon Zachidniak        Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli            Yes
Councillor Landon Mohl                  Yes
Mayor Sandra Masters                     Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.


2020-67              THE REGINA ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW, 2020 (No. 22)

Third Reading

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, seconded by Councillor Lori Bresciani that Bylaw No. 2020-67  be read a third time.  Bylaw was read a third and final time.

Mayor Sandra Masters stepped down to enter debate.
Councillor Andrew Stevens assumed the Chair.
Mayor Sandra Masters returned to the Chair prior to the vote.

Councillor Andrew Stevens                No
Councillor Bob Hawkins                            No
Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk              No
Councillor Landon Mohl                            Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Shanon Zachidniak              No
Councillor Terina Shaw                            Yes
Councillor Dan LeBlanc                            No
Counicllor John Findura                            Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Mayor Sandra Masters              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.




CR20-93              2020 Committee Structure Review


That City Council:


1.      Approve the committee structure to be revised as follows:


a.      The Priorities & Planning Committee be dis-established and its responsibilities be transferred to the Executive Committee., as outlined in Appendix A.


b.      The Finance & Administration Committee be dis-established and its responsibilities and delegated authorities be transferred to Executive Committee, as outlined in Appendix A.


c.      That a new Committee of Council, the Operations & Community Services Committee, comprised of five councillors, be established from the dis-establishment of, transfer of the respective responsibilities and delegated authorities as outlined in Appendix B of:

i.  The Community & Protective Services Committee;

ii. The Public Works & Infrastructure Committee.


d.      That the main committees of City Council be confirmed as follows, with the existing composition and membership requirements, and delegation of authorities, remaining unchanged:

i.  Operations & Community Services

ii. Executive Committee

iii.                       Mayor’s Housing Commission

iv.                       Regina Planning Commission


e.      That the following Terms of Reference be added to the Operations and Community Services Committee:


Consider and make recommendations to Council regarding decisions related to licensing and bylaw enforcement except where delegated to another Committee.


f.        That item 1(d)(iii) Mayor’s Housing Commission be removed and dis-established


g.      That a new Committee of Council, Community Wellness Committee be established as follows:

i.  comprised of five councillors;

ii. authorized to consider and make recommendations to Council relating to all policy aspects in the areas of housing, poverty reduction, mental and physical wellness, addiction and ‘safe from harm’, discrimination, and other social determinants of health and crime;

iii.                       be governed by procedures set out in the The Procedure Bylaw, Bylaw No. 9004 and the Committee Bylaw, Bylaw No. 2009-40 as these bylaws apply to the other main committees of Council; and

iv.                       meet once per month at a time to be determined by the City Clerk having regard to avoiding scheduling conflicts with regularly scheduled meetings of Council and its other main committees.


2.      Direct the City Clerk to prepare a report respecting the membership on the Regina Appeal Board, and recommend changes respecting the Board’s decision-making procedures, for consideration by Executive Committee in Q1 2021.


3.      Direct the City Solicitor to make the necessary amendments to The Procedure Bylaw, Bylaw No. 9004, The Regina Administration Bylaw, Bylaw No. 2003-69, The Committee Bylaw, Bylaw No. 2009-40  and any other bylaws necessary to give effect to the changes outlined in this report and that these be considered at the December 16, 2020 meeting of City Council.

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, that the recommendation of Executive Committee contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, in amendment, seconded by Councillor Jason Mancinelli, that the requirement for City Council delegates to submit a written statement be removed from the Procedure Bylaw.

Councillor Andrew Stevens               Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Dan LeBlanc              Yes
Councillor Terina Shaw              No
Councillor Shanon Zachidniak              Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Landon Mohl               Yes
Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Mayor Sandra Masters              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

The Clerk called the vote on the main motion, as amended.

Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk              Yes
Councillor Landon Mohl              Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Shanon Zachidniak              Yes
Councillor Terina Shaw              Yes
Councillor Dan LeBlanc              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Mayor Sandra Masters               Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

CR20-94              2021 City Council and Committee Meeting Calendar


That City Council:


1.      Approve the 2021 meeting schedule of City Council and its main committees, outlined in Appendix A, pending Council approval of recommended changes to the Council Committee structure, as outlined in item EX20-30, as follows:

a.      City Council to meet every second Wednesday at 1:00 p.m., except during July and August;

b.      Executive Committee to meet every second Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. on alternating weeks, except during July and August, as noted in Appendix A;

c.      Regina Planning Commission to meet once per month on Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m.;

d.      Community Services & Operations Committee to meet once per month on Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m., except during July and August, as noted in Appendix A;

e.      Recesses and adjournment for Council and committee meetings be adjusted to reflect the new starting times;

f.        Public release of meeting materials will remain on the Friday afternoon immediately preceding the committee or Council meeting, with this deadline moved to the preceding Thursday in instances where a statutory holiday falls on a Friday; and

g.      The deadline, with no exceptions, for written delegation submissions to City Council will be noon on the Monday preceding the Council meeting, with this deadline moved to the following Tuesday in instances where a statutory holiday falls on Monday.

h.      That the Community Wellness Committee be scheduled on the second Wednesday of each month from 9 a.m. to noon.

i.        That delegations be allowed to request to attend and address committee and City Council meetings through virtual technology or in person.


2.      Direct the City Solicitor to make the necessary amendments to The Procedure Bylaw, Bylaw No. 9004 and The Committee Bylaw, Bylaw No. 2009-40 as outlined in this report and that these be considered at the December 16, 2020 meeting of City Council.

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, seconded by Councillor Jason Mancinelli, that the recommendation of Executive Committee contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Lori Bresciani moved, in amendment, seconded by Councillor Andrew Stevens, that the Operations and Community Services Committee start time be adjusted to convene at 4:00 p.m.

Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Dan LeBlanc              No
Councillor Terina Shaw              Yes
Councillor Shanon Zachidniak              No
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              No
Councillor Landon Mohl              Yes
Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk              No
Councillor Bob Hawkins              No
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Mayor Sandra Masters              No

The motion was put and declared LOST.

The Clerk called the vote on the main motion.

Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Dan LeBlanc              Yes
Councillor Terina Shaw              Yes
Councillor Shanon Zachidniak              Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Landon Mohl              Yes
Mayor Sandra Masters              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

CR20-95              2021 Elected Official Committee Appointments


The City Council:


1.      Appoint and approve the elected member appointments to the committees summarized in Appendix A; and


2.      Approve that all appointments be made effective December 2, 2020 with terms of office to December 31, 2021 unless otherwise noted.

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, seconded by Councillor Shanon Zachidniak, that the recommendation of Executive Committee contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Landon Mohl              Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Shanon Zachidniak              Yes
Councillor Terina Shaw              Yes
Councillor Dan LeBlanc              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk              Yes
Mayor Sandra Masters              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.


CM20-33              Municipal Revenue Sharing (MRS) Eligibility Criteria


That City Council confirms the following:


1.      The City of Regina meets the following eligibility requirements to receive Municipal Revenue Sharing (MRS):


          Submission of the annual Audited Financial Statement to the Ministry of Government Relations.

          Submission of the Public Report on Municipal Waterworks to the Ministry of Government Relations.

          In good standing with respect to the reporting and remittance of Education Property Tax.

          Adoption of a Council Procedures Bylaw.

          Adoption of an Employee Code of Conduct.

          All members of Council have filed and annually updated their Public Disclosure Statement Annual Declaration, as required.


2.      The City of Regina acknowledges that if any of the above requirements are not met, the MRS grant may be withheld until all requirements are met; and


3.      The City Clerk is authorized to sign any Declarations of Eligibility or other documents required for the MRS and submit any documents required to the Ministry of Government Relations.

Councillor Bob Hawkins moved, seconded by Councillor Lori Bresciani that City Council receive and file this report.

Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Dan LeBlanc              Yes
Councillor Terina Shaw              Yes
Councillor Shanon Zachidniak              Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Landon Mohl              Yes
Mayor Sandra Masters              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

CM20-34              COVID-19 Update


That City Council receive and file this report.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, seconded by Councillor Andrew Stevens that City Council receive and file this report.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Shanon Zachidniak              Yes
Councillor Terina Shaw              Yes
Councillor Dan LeBlanc              Yes
Councillor Landon Mohl              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani               Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Cheryl Stadnichuk              Yes
Mayor Sandra Masters              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.



Councillor Lori Bresciani moved, seconded by Councillor Bob Hawkins, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the meeting adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 3:27 p.m.







__________________________                                          __________________________

Chairperson                                                                                    Secretary