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AT REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, Wednesday, April 15, 2020


AT A MEETING OF City Council


AT 11:00 AM


These are considered a draft rendering of the official minutes. Official minutes can be obtained through the Office of the City Clerk once approved.



Mayor Michael Fougere

Councillor Lori Bresciani

Councillor Sharron Bryce

Councillor John Findura

Councillor Jerry Flegel

Councillor Bob Hawkins

Councillor Jason Mancinelli

Councillor Joel Murray

Councillor Mike O'Donnell

Councillor Andrew Stevens

Councillor Barbara Young






Also in Attendance:

City Clerk, Jim Nicol

Deputy City Clerk, Amber Ackerman

City Manager, Chris Holden

City Solicitor, Byron Werry

Exec. Director,Financial Strategy & Sustainability, Barry Lacey

Executive Director, Louise Folk

Executive Director, Citizen Services, Kim Onrait

Executive Director, City Planning & Community Dev., Diana Hawryluk

Director, Citizen Experience, Jill Sveinson

Director, Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services, Laurie Shalley

Director, Roadways & Transportation, Chris Warren

Manager, Social & Cultural Development, Emmaline Hill





Agenda Approval-Seconder

Councillor Sharron Bryce moved, seconded by Councillor Jason Mancinelli, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the agenda for this meeting be approved, as submitted.


CP20-7              Regina Exhibition Association Limited:  Amendment to Bylaw 2015-25  Limited Borrowing and Guarantee Bylaw Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL)


That City Council receive and file this communication.

CP20-8              Regina & District Chamber of Commerce:  CC City Manager CM20-8


That City Council receive and file this communication.

CP20-9              ATU 588, CUPE Local 21 and CUPE Local 7:  COVID-19 Financial Update


That City Council receive and file this communication.

CP20-10              Regina Citizen's Public Transit Coalition:  COVID-19 Update


That City Council receive and filed this communication.

The City Clerk read the following Communications into the record:

CP20-7              Regina Exhibition Association Limited:  Amendment to Bylaw 2015-25 Limited Borrowing and Guarantee Bylaw Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL)
CP20-8              Regina & District Chamber of Commerce:  CC City Manager CM20-8
CP20-9              ATU 588, CUPE Local 21 and CUPE Local 7:  COVID-19 Financial Update
CP20-10              Regina Citizen's Public Transit Coalition:  COVID-19 Update

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, seconded by Councillor Joel Murray, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that CP20-7 - Regina Exhibition Association Limited: Amendment to Bylaw 2015-25 Limited Borrowing and Guarantee Bylaw Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL), CP20-8 - Regina & District Chamber of Commerce:  CC City Manager CM20-8, CP20-9 - ATU 588, CUPE Local 21 and CUPE Local 7:  COVID-19 Financial Update, and CP20-10              - Regina Citizen's Public Transit Coalition:  COVID-19 Update be received and filed.

CM20-8              COVID-19 Financial Update


That City Council:


Responding to COVID-19 Financial Impacts

1.      Address the shortfall in operating revenues to cover the anticipated additional costs in 2020 created by the COVID-19 pandemic and approve the following:


a.      Adjust operating programs and services as outlined in Appendices D (Open Space Service Levels), E (Spring Sweep Program) and F (Transit Service Enhancements);


b.      Direct Administration to implement expense reduction measures up to $7,400,000 as identified on page 11 of this report; and


c.      Defer up to $7,200,000 of capital programs and projects with the funding to be redirected to offset operating costs created by the pandemic as identified on page 11 of this report.


Property Tax Related

2.      Approve The Regina Property Tax Bylaw, 2020 and The Education Property Tax Bylaw, 2020, as prepared by the City Solicitor and which sets out the rates as outlined in Appendix A.


3.      Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Financial Strategy and Sustainability or their delegate to finalize and approve amendments to the property tax collection and payment agreement that the City has with the Government of Saskatchewan to allow the City to pay the education portion of the taxes as it is collected instead of based on the collection pattern from the previous year.


4.      Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Financial Strategy and Sustainability or their delegate to finalize and approve amendments to the property tax collection and payment agreement that the City has with the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division No. 81 to allow the City to pay the education portion of the taxes as it is collected instead of based on the collection pattern from the previous year.


5.      Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Financial Strategy and Sustainability or their delegate to finalize and approve amendments to the property assessment and taxation services agreement that the City has with the Global Transportation Hub Authority to allow the City to pay the Global Transportation Hub levy as it is collected instead of based on the collection pattern from the previous year.


6.      Authorize the City Clerk to execute addendums to amend the agreements referred to in recommendations 3, 4 and 5 upon review by the City Solicitor.


7.      Approve the property tax exemptions as listed in Appendix B subject to the Government of Saskatchewan approving the exemption or partial exemption of the education portion of the taxes for amounts that are $25,000 or greater.


8.      Authorize the Executive Director Financial Strategy & Sustainability or his delegate to apply to the Government of Saskatchewan on behalf of property owners for any exemption of the education portion of the taxes that is $25,000 or greater as outlined in Appendix B.


9.      Approve The Properties Exempt from Taxation as a result of the 2013 Municipal Boundary Alteration Bylaw, 2020 as prepared by the City Solicitor and which sets out the property tax exemptions outlined in Appendix B. 



10. Authorize the Executive Director, Financial Strategy and Sustainability for the City to negotiate, approve and enter into all necessary agreements with The Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL) and HSBC Bank Canada on behalf of the City and generally to do all things and to execute all documents and other papers in the name of the City, in order to facilitate the change to REAL’s credit facilities as outlined in Appendix C to this report;


11. Instruct the City Solicitor to prepare amendments to Bylaw 2015-25, being The Regina Exhibition Association Limited Borrowing and Guarantee Bylaw, 2015 to amend the credit facilities in that Bylaw based on the terms and conditions authorized by the Executive Director, Financial Strategy and Sustainability and Appendix C to this report;


12. Pursuant to clause 5.2(f) of the Unanimous Member’s Agreement for REAL, REAL is authorized to amend the credit facilities outlined in REAL’s loan with HSBC Bank Canada based on Appendix C to this report on the condition that the amendments do not increase the existing maximum loan amount of $13,000,000;


13. Authorize the Executive Director, Financial Strategy and Sustainability, as the City’s proxy, to exercise the City’s voting rights in REAL to approve any organizational resolutions or documents that may be required of REAL in relation to the proposed changes to the credit facilities in Bylaw 2015-25 as outlined in this report;


Housing Incentive Program

14. Amend the Housing Incentives Policy to add the following provision:


“6.1.16              Notwithstanding Section 6.2.6, in response to, and during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, and under similar emergency measures, the Executive Director, City Planning and Community Development has discretion to relax the requirement that an Occupancy Permit is issued before grant payments for affordable rental housing applications are disbursed where construction of the project is near completion and the applicant has entered into a capital contribution agreement with the City.”  


Delegation of Emergency Powers             

15. Delegate authority to the City Manager or designate to exercise any powers of a local authority, City or City Council under any legislation, order or otherwise, and any actions which must be authorized or approved by Council are hereby authorized, except those authorities that are not permitted by law to be delegated provided that the authority is required to be exercised in response to the pandemic emergency. The City Manager shall notify Council of any exercise of authority pursuant to this resolution as soon as reasonably possible and Council shall retain the right to cancel or amend any decisions made by the City Manager under this authority.

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, seconded by Councillor Lori Bresciani that the recommendations contained in the report be concurred in, after amending:

- Appendix D (Open Space Service Levels) to show a recommended service level of normal; and

- Increasing the dollar amount in 1. a. to $7,700,00.

Councillor Lori Bresciani moved, in amendment, seconded by Councillor Andrew Stevens, that $400,000 be allocated to reinstate the spring street sweep program for 2020, to be funded through the use of reserves.

Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              No
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce              Yes
Councillor Mike O'Donnell              No
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              No
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

Councillor Jason Mancinelli moved, in amendment, seconded by Councillor Andrew Stevens, that Administration review the submissions from the Regina & District Chamber of Commerce, and ATU 588, CUPE 21 and CUPE 7 and return to City Council with a report providing analysis and recommendations on the following:

1.              The Chamber’s request to provide relief to non-residential property owners through a reduction in the municipal portion of property taxes by 25% in 2020 and a repayment aspect by July 2020; and
2.              The joint-union request to provide all laid off employees with the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Program (SUB) no later than the end of May 2020.

(Councillor Bryce temporarily left the meeting.)

Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel              Yes
Councillor Mike O'Donnell              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              No
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 (2.1) of City Council's Procedure Bylaw No. 9004, Mayor Fougere called for a minute recess.

Council recessed at 1:25 p.m
Council reconvened at 2:01 p.m.

Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes
Councillor Bob Hawkins              Yes
Councillor Lori Bresciani              Yes
Councillor John Findura              Yes
Councillor Joel Murray                            Yes
Councillor Sharron Bryce              Yes
Councillor Mike O'Donnell              Yes
Councillor Jason Mancinelli              Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Mayor Michael Fougere              Yes

The main motion, as amended, was put and declared CARRIED.



2020-23              THE REGINA PROPERTY TAX BYLAW, 2020

2020-24              THE EDUCATION PROPERTY TAX BYLAW, 2020


Councillor Bob Hawkins moved, seconded by Councillor Lori Bresciani, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaws No. 2020-18, 2020-22, 2029-23, 2020-24 and 2020-25 be introduced and read a first time.
Bylaws were read a first time.

Councillor Bob Hawkins moved, seconded by Councillor Sharron Bryce, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaws No. 2020-18, 2020-22, 2029-23, 2020-24 and 2020-25 be introduced and read a second time. 
Bylaws were read a second time.

Councillor Bob Hawkins moved, seconded by Councillor Barbara Young, that City Council hereby consent to Bylaws No. 2020-18, 2020-22, 2029-23, 2020-24 and 2020-25 going to third and final reading at this meeting.

The motion was put and declared CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Councillor Bob Hawkins moved, seconded by Councillor John Findura, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that Bylaws No. 2020-18, 2020-22, 2029-23, 2020-24 and 2020-25  be read a third time.
Bylaws were read a third and final time.


Councillor Bob Hawkins moved, seconded by Councillor Sharron Bryce, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the meeting adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 2:48 p.m.







__________________________                                          __________________________

Chairperson                                                                                    Secretary