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AT REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, Wednesday, September 9, 2020


AT A MEETING OF Regina Planning Commission

HELD IN Public Session


AT 4:00 PM


These are considered a draft rendering of the official minutes. Official minutes can be obtained through the Office of the City Clerk once approved.



Councillor Barbara Young

Councillor Jerry Flegel (Teleconference)

Councillor Andrew Stevens (Videoconference)

Frank Bojkovsky (Videoconference)

Biplob Das (Videoconference)

Adrienne Hagen Lyster (Videoconference)

Cheri Moreau (Videoconference)

Tak Pham (Videoconference)

Steve Tunison (Videoconference)

Celeste York (Videoconference)



Jacob Sinclair


Also in Attendance:

Council Officer, Elaine Gohlke

Legal Counsel, Cheryl Willoughby (Videoconference)

Executive Director, City Planning & Community Development,
  Diana Hawryluk

Director, Planning & Development Services, Fred Searle

Manager, East Planning, Munir Haque (Videoconference)

Manager, West Planning, Yves Richard (Videoconference)

Senior City Planner, Ben Mario




Approval of Public Agenda

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the agenda for this meeting be approved, as submitted, and that the delegations be heard in the order they are called forward by the Chairperson.

Adoption of Minutes

Steve Tunison moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the minutes for the meeting held on August 13, 2020 be adopted, as circulated.

(The meeting commenced in the absence of Councillor Flegel and Frank Bojkovsky.)

Administration Reports

RPC20-29              4801 E. Victoria Avenue - Discretionary Use and Removal of Holding Overlay Zone Application (PL202000117)


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.      Approve the application to rezone the property located at 4801 E. Victoria Avenue, as shown in Appendix A-1, by removing the H – Holding Overlay Zone from the MLM – Mixed Large Market Zone for the property.


2.      Approve the discretionary use application to allow a proposed “Retail Trade, Shop,” greater than 6,000 square meters located at 4801 E. Victoria Avenue as shown in Appendix A-2.


3.      Direct the Development Officer to issue a development permit subject to the following conditions:


a.      The development shall generally be consistent with the plans attached to this report as Appendix A-2 inclusive, prepared by P3A and dated April 8, 2020.


b.      The applicant will be required to fully execute the servicing agreement and obtain an executed subdivision plan prior to the issuance of a development permit.


c.      Parking shall not be allowed along the drive aisle abutting Optimist Drive.


d.      The development shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations in the Regina Zoning Bylaw 2019-19.


4.      Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary bylaw to authorize the respective Zoning Bylaw amendment.


5.      Approve these recommendations at its September 30, 2020 meeting, following the required public notice.

Chad Jedlic and Blair Forster, representing Forster Harvard Development Corp., addressed the Commission.

Biplob Das moved that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Biplob Das                                          Yes
Adrienne Hagen Lyster                            Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

RPC20-30              5601 Parliament Avenue - Concept Plan Amendment/ Zoning Bylaw Amendment/ Discretionary Use - PL202000116


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.              Approve the application to amend the Harbour Landing Concept Plan to re-designate the property located at 5601 Parliament Avenue from High-Density Residential to Low-Density Residential, in accordance with the Concept Plan shown in Appendix A-3.1.


2.              Approve the application to rezone the property located at 5601 Parliament Avenue, legally described as Block BB, Plan No. 102177503, from RH – Residential High-Rise Zone to RU – Residential Urban Zone.


3.              Approve the discretionary use application for the proposed development of Building, Planned Group located at 5601 Parliament Avenue, being Block BB, Plan No. 102177503 in the Harbour Landing neighbourhood.


4.              Direct the Development Officer to issue a development permit subject to the following conditions:


a.              The development shall be generally consistent with the plans attached to this report as Appendix A-3.2, prepared by StreetSide Developments, dated June 18, 2020; and


b.              The development shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations in Regina Zoning Bylaw 2019-19.


5.              That the City Solicitor be directed to prepare the necessary bylaws to authorize the respective Zoning Bylaw amendment.


6.              Approve these recommendations at its September 30, 2020 meeting, after giving the required public notice.

Jonathon Osachuk, representing StreetSide Developments, addressed the Commission.

Steve Tunison moved that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              No
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Adrienne Hagen Lyster                            Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.

RPC20-31              1971 Albert Street Contract Zone Application (PL202000118)


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.      Approve the application to rezone the property located at 1971 Albert Street, Lot 50, Blk/Par 342, Plan 102032255 from DCD-D – Downtown Direct Control District Zone to Contract Zone.


2.      Approve execution of a contract zone agreement between the City of Regina and the applicant/owner of the subject properties, which shall include the following terms:


i.     The agreement shall allow for the carrying out of a specific proposal on the lands described as a temporary “Transportation, Parking Lot” lot a period of one year from the date of execution of the Contract Zone agreement.

ii.    That issuance of development permits and the execution of the contract zone agreement shall be conditional on the applicant being confirmed as the registered owner of the property or the consent of the owner being obtained.

iii.  That construction of a centre median along Albert Street shall be required to permit the optional right-in-right-out access.

iv. The parking lot shall meet all standards for “Transportation, Parking Lot” except that:

a.      Surface may be minimum 150 mm densely packed gravel or asphalt planings with a dust inhibitor to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Development Services;

b.      The parking lot must meet the requirements of the City of Regina Standard for Drainage from Building Site and Parking Lot Developments in order to obtain a building permit.

v.   The development shall generally conform to the attached plans as labelled Appendix A-2 of this report, prepared by Property Development Support Services Inc. and dated May 12, 2020.

vi. Signage on the subject property shall comply with the development standards for the DCD-D Downtown Direct Control District Zone.

vii.                                     Any zoning-related detail not specifically addressed in the contract zone agreement shall be subject to applicable provisions of the Regina Zoning Bylaw 2019-19.

viii.                                   The agreement shall be registered in the City’s interest at the applicant’s cost pursuant to Section 69 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007.


3.      Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary bylaw to authorize the respective Zoning Bylaw amendment.


4.      Approve these recommendations at its September 30, 2020 meeting, and consider the proposed bylaw at a succeeding meeting after giving the required public notice.

The following addressed the Commission:

-        Thomas Le, Butz & Company, representing Gus Kolitsas, RB3 Properties Inc.; and

-        Dave Brundige, Willows Wellsch Orr and Brundige LLC, representing Magnetic Capital Corp.


(Frank Bojkovsky joined the meeting.)

Cheri Moreau moved that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

(Councillor Flegel joined the meeting.)

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved that this report be tabled until such time as Regina Planning Commission has an opportunity to review the report on MN20-19, the Temporary Parking Lot Policy.

Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Frank Bjkovsk                                          Yes
Councillor Jerry Flegel                            No
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Adrienne Hagen Lyster                            Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              No

The motion was put and declared CARRIED.


Owing to the urgency of the application, as advanced by the applicant, and in light of the fact that Regina Planning Commission does not have delegated authority with respect to the final decision to be taken by City Council, the City Clerk determined that this matter should appropriately be considered by City Council at its meeting on September 30, 2020.



Celeste York moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the meeting adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.







__________________________                                          __________________________

Chairperson                                                                                    Secretary