AT REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, Wednesday, May 6, 2020


AT A MEETING OF Regina Planning Commission

HELD IN Public Session


AT 4:00 PM


These are considered a draft rendering of the official minutes. Official minutes can be obtained through the Office of the City Clerk once approved.



Councillor Barbara Young, in the Chair

Councillor Jerry Flegel (Videoconference)

Councillor Andrew Stevens (Videoconference)

Frank Bojkovsky (Videoconference)

Biplob Das (Videoconference)

Celeste York (Videoconference)

Cheri Moreau (Videoconference)

Tak Pham (Videoconference)

Steve Tunison (Videoconference)



Adrienne Hagen Lyster

Jacob Sinclair


Also in Attendance:

Council Officer, Elaine Gohlke

Legal Counsel, Cheryl Willoughby (Videoconference)

Executive Director, City Planning & Community Development,
  Diana Hawryluk

Director, Planning & Development Services, Fred Searle

Manager, East Planning, Munir Haque (Videoconference)

Manager, West Planning, Yves Richard (Videoconference)

Manager, Facilities Engineering, Jamie Hanson (Videoconference)

Senior Engineer, Max Zasada (Videoconference)

Senior City Planner, Michael Cotcher (Videoconference)

Senior City Planner, Jeremy Fenton (Videoconference)

Senior City Planner, Ben Mario (Videoconference)

City Planner II, Amarpreet Guliani (Videoconference)


Approval of Public Agenda

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the agenda for this meeting be approved, as submitted, and that the items and delegations be heard in the order they are called forward by the Chairperson.

Adoption of Minutes


Biplob Das moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the minutes for the meeting held on March 4, 2020 be adopted, as circulated.


Administration Reports

RPC20-10              Closure of Utility Parcel


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.      Approve the application for the Closure of Utility Strip U1 Plan 84R54458 as shown in Appendix A-1, and in accordance with section 172.1 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007:


a.      declare that the municipal utility strip is no longer required as municipal utility parcel; and


b.      direct Administration to cause the utility strip designation to be removed from the title of the parcel.


2.      Approve these recommendations at its May 27, 2020 meeting.

Frank Bojkovsky moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

RPC20-11              PL202000030 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - The Towns - Lane Access Overlay


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.              Approve the Zoning Bylaw Amendment for a proposed Lane Access Overlay located at SW1/4 Sec 14, Twp 17, Rge 19, W2, Lots 1 - 18, Block 29, in The Towns Subdivision on the condition that Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 2019-19 amendment respecting LA - Lane Access Overlay Zone regulations is passed at the May 27, 2020 City Council meeting.

2.              Approve these recommendations at its May 27, 2020 meeting.

Cathy Lawrence, representing Terra Developments, addressed the Commission.

Cheri Moreau moved that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

The motion was put and declared LOST.

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            No
Councillor Andrew Stevens              No
Frank Bojkovsky                            No
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          No
Tak Pham                                                        No
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes


RPC20-12              PL202000049 - Discretionary Use - 1378 Hamilton Street


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.              Approve the discretionary use application for a proposed Food and Beverage, Restaurant located at 1378 Hamilton Street, being Lots 21-24, Block 181, Plan No. OLD33, in Warehouse District Subdivision.


2.              Direct the Development Officer to issue a development permit subject to the following conditions:


a.              The development shall be generally consistent with the plans attached to this report as Appendix A-3.1 to A-3.2 inclusive, prepared by Alton Tangedal dated January 27, 2017.


b.              The development shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations in Regina Zoning Bylaw 2019-19.


3.              Approve these recommendations at its May 27, 2020 meeting.

Councillor Jerry Flegel moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that this report be withdrawn from the agenda.

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

RPC20-13              Discretionary Use Application (PL202000028) - Proposed Agriculture, Animal Support - 1832 E. Victoria Avenue


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.              Approve the discretionary use application for a proposed Agriculture, Animal Support located at 1832 E. Victoria Avenue, being Plan 90R27607 Block BB, in Glen Elm Park Subdivision.


2.              Direct the Development Officer to issue a development permit subject to the following conditions:


a.              The development shall be generally consistent with the plans attached to this report as Appendix A-3.1 to A-3.2 inclusive, prepared by Arc One Associates.


b.              The development shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations in the Regina Zoning Bylaw 2019-19.


3.              Approve these recommendations at its May 27, 2020 meeting.

Bill Neher, representing Neher & Associates, addressed the Commission.

Steve Tunison moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

RPC20-14              Application for Street Closure and Zoning Bylaw Amendment PL202000009 and PL202000010 - 1700 11th Avenue and 1734 Osler Street and Osler Street between 11th Avenue and Saskatchewan Drive


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.      Approve the application to close the portion of Osler Street from 11th Avenue to Saskatchewan Drive as shown in Appendix A-1.


2.      Approve the application to:


a.      Rezone the property legally described as Lots 21 to 23, Block 288, Plan 288, Plan Old  33 and Lot A, Block 288, Plan 101891695 from DCD-D-Downtown Direct Control District to I – Institutional zone.


b.      Amend the Regina Zoning Bylaw 2019-19, Part 6A, Regulation 6A.2 (1) by repealing the existing wording and substituting the following:

“The Downtown Direct Control District is hereby established and may be applied to the area comprising all those lands within the boundaries of “Downtown Regina” as defined in Part B.4 of The Official Community Plan.”


3.      Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary Bylaws to authorize the street closure and zoning amendments.


4.      Approve these recommendations at its May 27, 2020 meeting to allow sufficient time for advertising the required public notice for the respective bylaws.

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes


RPC20-15              Zoning Bylaw 2019-19 Housekeeping Amendments Report


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.      Approve the amendments to The Regina Zoning Bylaw, 2019 (No. 2019-19) as specified in Appendix A and B.


2.      Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary bylaws to amend The Regina Zoning Bylaw, 2019.


3.      Approve these recommendations and consider the related bylaws at its May 27, 2020 meeting, which allows sufficient time for advertising of the required public notice for the respective bylaws.


Frank Bojkovsky moved that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, in amendment, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that in industrial areas, any use that is deemed to be accessory to the principle use, with a residential nature, would be deemed a discretionary use application and would go through the discretionary use process. 

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Frank Bojkovsky                            No
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

The main motion, as amended, was put and declared CARRIED.

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes



Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the meeting recess for 30 minutes.

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Celeste York                                          Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

The meeting recessed at 6:05 p.m.

(Biplob Das left the meeting.)

The meeting reconvened at 6:35 p.m. in the absence of Councillor Flegel.

RPC20-16              Zoning Bylaw Amendment - PL202000016 Removal of Holding Overlay 4400 4th Avenue and rezoning from RN- Residential Neighbourhood Zone to MLM – Mixed Large Market Zone

(Celeste York declared a conflict of interest, citing her daughter's employment with 1080 Architecture Planning + Interiors, abstained from discussion and voting, and temporarily left the meeting.)


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.      Approve the application to:


a.      rezone the property located at 4400 4th Avenue, as shown in Appendix A-1, by removing the H – Holding Overlay Zone from the MLM – Mixed Large Market Zone for the property.


b.      rezone Lots 7 and 9, Block 28, Plan 59R20949 from RN- Residential Neighbourhood Zone to MLM – Mixed Large Market Zone.


2.      Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary Bylaw.


3.      Approve these recommendations at its May 27, 2020 meeting, following the required public notice.


The following addressed the Commission:

-        Gord Brock;

-        Alex Tkach, representing the Rosemont/Mount Royal Community Association; and

-        Beth Barber and Muir Barber, representing Pinnacle Developments Inc.

(Councillor Flegel returned to the meeting during Beth Barber’s and Muir Barber’s presentation.)


Councillor Jerry Flegel moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that City Council:


1.      Approve the application to:


a.      rezone the property located at 4400 4th Avenue, as shown in Appendix A-1, by removing the H – Holding Overlay Zone from the MLM – Mixed Large Market Zone for the property.


b.     rezone Lot 7; Block 28, Plan 59R20949 and Lot 9, Block 28, Plan 101889344 from RN- Residential Neighbourhood Zone to MLM – Mixed Large Market Zone.


2.      Direct the City Solicitor to prepare the necessary Bylaw.


3.      Approve these recommendations at its May 27, 2020 meeting, following the required public notice.

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                          Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes

(Celeste York returned to the meeting.)


RPC20-17              Discretionary Use Application PL201900067 - 2824 & 2830 13th Avenue and 2067, 2071 & 2075 Retallack Street


Regina Planning Commission recommends that City Council:


1.      Approve the discretionary use application for a proposed Retail Trade, Shop located at 2824 and 2830 13th Avenue and 2067, 2071 and 2075 Retallack Street in the Cathedral Neighbourhood.


2.      Direct the Development Officer to issue a development permit subject to the following conditions:


a.      The development shall be generally consistent with the plans attached to this report as Appendix A-3.1 to A-3.4 inclusive, prepared by AMR design works Ltd. and dated December 4, 2019.


b.      The development shall be conditional on consolidation of the subject lots.


c.      The developer shall enter into a Development Levy Agreement.


d.      The development shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations in Regina Zoning Bylaw, 2019-19.


3.      Approve these recommendations at its May 27, 2020 meeting.

The following addressed the Commission:

-        Joanne Havelock;

-        Jeffrey Straker; and

-        Ron Holowatuk, representing Hardrock Properties Corporation.

Cheri Moreau moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the recommendation contained in the report be concurred in.

Councillor Jerry Flegel                            Yes
Councillor Andrew Stevens              Yes
Frank Bojkovsky                            Yes
Biplob Das                                          Yes
Cheri Moreau                                          Yes
Tak Pham                                                        Yes
Steve Tunison                                          Yes
Councillor Barbara Young              Yes



Councillor Andrew Stevens moved, AND IT WAS RESOLVED, that the meeting adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.







__________________________                                          __________________________

Chairperson                                                                                    Secretary