Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Public Agenda
Agenda Approval
Adoption of Minutes
Minutes of Jun 2, 2021 12:00 PM
Administration Reports
RPC21-41 : Discretionary Use - 5826 Rochdale Boulevard - PL202000248
documentRPC Public Report. Printout
a. Appendix A-1
b. Appendix A-2
c. Appendix A-3.1
d. Appendix A-3.2
e. Appendix A-3.3
f. Appendix B
g. Appendix C
RPC21-42 : Discretionary Use - 1730 Cowan Crescent - PL202100040
documentRPC Public Report. Printout
a. Appendix A-1
b. Appendix A-2
c. Appendix B
RPC21-43 : Discretionary Use - 1205 15th Avenue - PL202100056
documentRPC Public Report. Printout
a. Appendix A-1
b. Appendix A-2
c. Appendix A-3.1
d. Appendix A-3.2
e. PL202100056 Appendix B
RPC21-44 : Concept Plan Amendment - The Towns - PL202000238
documentRPC Public Report. Printout
a. Appendix A-1 (Aerial Map)
b. Appendix A-2 (Existing Concept Plan)
c. Appendix A-3 (Proposed Concept Plan)
d. Appendix A-4 (Proposed Circulation Plan)
e. Appendix B (Public Comments Summary)
RPC21-45 : Zoning Bylaw Amendment - The Towns, Phase 2 Stage 2 (PL202100004)
documentRPC Public Report. Printout
a. Appendix A-1 (Subject Property map)
b. Appendix A-2 (Aerial Map)
c. Appendix A-3 (Proposed Concept Plan)
RPC21-46 : Zoning Bylaw Amendment - The Towns, Phase 2 Stage 1 (PL202000256)
documentRPC Public Report. Printout
a. Appendix A-1 (Subject Property Map)
b. Appendix A-2 (Aerial Map)
c. Appendix A-3 (Proposed Concept Plan)