City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

PWI Public Report
Approved as Amended
Jan 10, 2019 11:00 AM

Saskatchewan Drive Corridor Project – Award Contract for Consulting and Engineering Services


Department:Office of the City ClerkSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable


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Report Body


Administration is going to market with a Request for Proposals (RFP) for engineering services for the Saskatchewan Drive Corridor Study. Administration is planning to issue and award a RFP for planning and engineering services for this project. City Council’s authority is required by The Regina Administration Bylaw No. 2003-69, Schedule D, Section 7 to award the RFP, as the consultant’s fees may exceed $750,000.




Saskatchewan Drive is an important gateway into Regina’s City Centre and link to the Mosaic Stadium and the historic neighbourhoods of Cathedral and Core Neighbourhood. The importance of Saskatchewan Drive’s historic and strategic role is captured in the Regina Downtown Neighbourhood Plan, which recognizes it as a “grand avenue”, despite its intended design and function.


As the City of Regina (City) will be replacing underground utilities within the Saskatchewan Drive corridor, an opportunity has presented itself to transform this corridor, from Princess Street to Winnipeg Street (study area), from its current state to its intended design as a “grand avenue” and multi-modal corridor.


In addition to infrastructure needs, the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) has identified Saskatchewan Drive for roadway improvements to improve a vital route both into and within the Downtown. This project will establish a strategy for transforming Saskatchewan Drive, within the study area limits, focusing on:

·         Utility upgrade strategy

·         Street redesign

·         Land-use implications 


The study area on Saskatchewan Drive from Princess Street to Winnipeg Street currently has aged and deteriorating infrastructure, experiences high traffic volumes, heavy vehicles, traffic congestion and provides a less than desirable pedestrian environment. 


The project limits in Figure 1 were determined utilizing the “300k growth scenario,” which anticipates the population of the city to continue to grow to at least 300,000 residents. The project boundaries encompass approximately 77 acres with the northern boundary being the Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) line and the southern boundary being properties contained within one block south of Saskatchewan Drive. Previous studies also inform project limits as they inform possible intersection and traffic flow improvements.


Figure 1: Approximate Project Area 





Administration remains committed to developing and implementing the Saskatchewan Drive Corridor Plan Project. This will be a multi-year project that is strategically divided into the following two phases:


Phase 1: Corridor Study

Corridor plan land-use and urban design guidelines and recommendations including, but not limited to:

·         Potential land use (residential, office, mixed-use, light industrial, open space) adjacent to Saskatchewan Drive

·         Built form and urban design guidelines

·         Public realm improvements

·         Pedestrian, transit, cycling and transportation network improvements

·         Cost-benefit analysis of options and recommendations


Phase 2: Functional Engineering Study

·         Alignment of infrastructure within the road right of way

·         Potential infrastructure upgrades required, based on corridor plan/land use and assessed demand in vicinity of the project

·         Renewal or upgrades of underground infrastructure

·         Transportation demand study and transportation system assessment

·         Operational recommendations based on the Corridor Plan and assessed demand in the vicinity of the project (including but not limited to):

o       Any additional road right-of-way requirements

o       Lane widths and number of lanes

o       Current and future roadway capacity

o       Length of turn bays

o       Acceleration/deceleration lanes

o       Lane alignment

o       Sidewalks (width and location)

o       Access control, inclusion of bike infrastructure

o       Intersection traffic control

o       Parking

o       Accommodation of transit and street furniture.


The project is anticipated to be completed by early 2020 due to the large scope of the study.


Project Goals


The project is required to identify and address the following:

o       Establish a land-use and urban design strategy for the Study Area.

o       Establish a strategy for transitioning the corridor from its current state to a

o       Establish a multi-modal corridor that supports a high level of urban design and pedestrian mobility.

o       Establish Functional Road Plan X- sections, lanes (including turn lanes) median, boulevard, pedestrian and bike accommodations, intersection and access locations and right of way requirements.

o       Establish linear underground infrastructure upgrade requirements.

o       Establish framework for future growth, land use and development along the corridor.

o       Transitioning Saskatchewan Drive, within the Downtown, from its current state to a boulevard that supports a high level of urban design and pedestrian mobility, in accordance with the Regina Downtown Neighbourhood Plan.


The project is intended not only to maintain or enhance levels of service by replacing existing and aging infrastructure and includes opportunities to enable infill/intensification or redevelopment. Improvements to the roadway and intersections are intended to increase safety and levels of service on Saskatchewan Drive.


Consideration will be required for pedestrian/cycling connectivity between this corridor and the following locations:

·         The future Railyard Renewal Plan (RRP) rail lands development site

·         The future Taylor Field Neighborhood from downtown

·         Mosaic Stadium/Evraz Place

·         Between these above noted locations and the corridor


Administration requires the services of a consulting engineering firm to carry out the Saskatchewan Drive Corridor Plan Project. The successful proponent will be appointed to provide engineering and planning services for this project with an initial upset fee. In the event that the appointment is terminated, another public procurement process will be initiated to seek a consulting firm to complete the project.


The consulting service fees for this commission may exceed $750,000; therefore,

City Council’s approval is required to engage consulting and professional engineering services

for this project as required by The Regina Administration Bylaw No. 2003-69, Schedule D,

Section 7.




Financial Implications


Funding in the amount of $657,000 was approved for this project in previous budget submissions. Another $143,000 is scheduled to be allocated in the 2020 Capital Budget, subject to City Council’s approval. If the additional $143,000 is not approved in 2020, or if costs exceed the total estimated budget of $800,000 this would result in a reduced scope of work for this project.


Environmental Implications


None with respect to this report.


Policy and/or Strategic Implications


Regina Downtown Neighbourhood Plan (2013):

The purpose of the new Regina Downtown Neighbourhood Plan (RDNP) is to effectively guide future growth and strategic investment into infrastructure, development, and urban design for the next 20 years. The RDNP sets the stage for great urban living by creating a complete Downtown community; enhancing the role of the Downtown as the heart of Regina, the Capital City of Saskatchewan; and creating a clearer sense of place through strong urban design. The Corridor Plan and functional study to be developed by the successful proponent, will be in conformity with the Regina Downtown Neighbourhood Plan.


Design Regina, Official Community Plan 2013 (as amended):

Design Regina: The Official Community Plan (OCP) provides the framework to guide the development of the City’s infrastructure to accommodate long-term growth. This proposal is consistent with the policies contained within Part A of the OCP with respect to:


Section C: Growth Plan, Goal 3 – Intensification, “Enhance the city’s form through intensification and redevelopment of existing built-up areas.”


Section D4, Infrastructure, Goal 1 – Safe and Efficient Infrastructure, “Meet regulatory requirements and industry best practices for design, construction and operation of infrastructure.”


Section D4, Infrastructure, Goal 3 – Planned Infrastructure for Growth, “The infrastructure needed for growth will be planned from a long-term perspective.”


Section D4, Infrastructure, Goal 5 – Infrastructure Staging, “Build infrastructure in a sequential and coordinated manner.”


Section D5, Land Use and Built Environment, Goal 2 - City Centre, “Maintain and enhance the City Centre as the primary civic and cultural hub.”


Section D5, Land Use and Built Environment, Goal 3 – Urban Centres and Corridors, “Support urban centres and corridors as locations for pedestrian and transit-oriented mixed-use development as hubs for community interaction and identity.”


Transportation Master Plan (2017):

The TMP is a comprehensive transportation policy and planning document that guides how the City will address its future transportation needs. TMP establishes goals and policies to achieve a city-wide transportation system that is safe, affordable and compatible with all four seasons. The TMP identifies improvements and upgrades to Saskatchewan Drive along the corridor to meet the requirements of the TMP.


City of Regina Underutilized Land Study (2018):

This study is intended to provide policy directions based on extensive research and community engagement that encourage investment in redeveloping brownfield land, with the goal of making infill development as attractive as possible. The corridor plan and functional study to be developed by the successful proponent, should be in conformity with City’s Underutilized Land Study.


Other Implications


None with respect to this report.


Accessibility Implications


None with respect to this report.


Communication Implications


The successful proponent will identify opportunities for consultation with stakeholders before construction proceeds. Impacts of construction will be shared throughout the project through multiple communication channels.




The recommendations contained in this report require City Council approval.


Respectfully submitted,

Respectfully submitted,

Norman Kyle, Director

Roadways & Transportation

Kim Onrait, Executive Director

Citizen Services


Report prepared by:

Ryan Kalenchuk, Acting Coordinator, Development Engineering, Development Services