City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

CC Notice of Motion

Whistleblower Policy


Department:Office of the City ClerkSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable


  1. Printout

Report Body

WHEREAS the City of Regina established a Whistleblower Policy in January 2020 that provides protections and procedures for employees to confidentially or anonymously report allegations of wrongdoing by the City of Regina;


WHEREAS the current Whistleblower Policy states that the City Manager will review reports of wrongdoing to determine if the allegation of wrongdoing will be investigated by an independent investigator, or by appropriate City staff.


WHEREAS the City Manager’s Office acts as the point of contact for any independent investigators appointed or City staff assigned to an investigation of wrongdoing under this Policy;


WHEREAS the policy should provide adequate safeguards to ensure that no employee experiences any form of retaliation when bringing forward information in good faith;


WHEREAS the City of Regina can have a Whistleblower Policy that offers protection similar to other jurisdictions; and


WHEREAS this policy would support City Council in providing good governance to the citizens of Regina;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Administration be directed to prepare a report for Executive Committee by Q2 of 2022 that:


1.      Amends the current Whistleblower Policy for City of Regina employees as follows:


a)     The City Manager’s authority to manage the policy be revoked and an internal tribunal be created to manage the policy that includes the following internal representatives:

i.  Internal Auditor

ii. Director of People & Organizational Culture or designate

iii.                       City Solicitor or designate


b)     Section 4.5 of the policy requires the Tribunal to provide a non-identifying summary of reports made under this policy and outcomes of subsequent investigations to Executive Committee for information at least annually.


2.      Outline any associated costs and implications related to the implementation of these amendments.



Respectfully submitted,



Lori Bresciani

Councillor – Ward 4