City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

CC City Manager

Supplemental report - Community Safety & Well-being Plan & Governance Implementation


Department:City Planning & Community DevelopmentSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable


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Report Body



At the November 25, 2021 Council meeting, the recommendations 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 & 9 of report CR21-169 on the Community Safety and Well-being Plan (the Plan) relating to the proposed governance recommendation and short tern action plan were tabled. The following provides additional context around the next steps in setting up an external governance model, the work the City of Regina (City) will initiate to advance early priorities of the Plan, as well as initiatives the Mayor will be undertaking to support the Plan.




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Administration is recommending that an external model be considered which would advance the systemic change and actions required. This recommendation is a high-level concept and additional work is required to determine the specifics of the model and to undertake the work required to set up the structure. As such, Administration has proposed two streams of work, as outlined below. The first stream of work focuses on establishing the governance structure. The second stream of work focuses on early actions, to begin the Plan’s implementation while the governance structure is being established.


1.      Governance: Hire a resource (term or consultant) to work with the Mayor’s Office and City Manager to build the governance process for this work. The first step would be establishing the terms of reference for the Mayor’s Committee. This individual would also work with external and internal resources (Legal, Clerks) to determine the type of external structure, after which a report would be brought to Council with options and a recommendation. Once a structure has been approved by Council, this team will build the governance model (i.e., establishing bylaws, a board, a job description for the ED, etc.).


2.      Early Action: Assign two staff within the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department to begin implementation of the Plan, while the governance structure is being established. The focus would be on action items that are focused on the City’s role in community safety and well-being, in an effort to demonstrate our commitment to action without getting ahead of the collective effort.


The following chart lists some of the specific actions under each of the streams of work.



(Consultant or Term Position)

Early Action

(City Administration)

·         Develop terms of Reference for the Mayors Community Safety & Well-Being Leadership Committee report to Council for approval recruitment of members

·         Determine Business Model Council approvals

·         Incorporation and registration bylaws, insurance, etc.

·         Board member recruitment

·         Job Description for Executive Director

·         Secure funding and determine budget

·         Contractual arrangements with City

·         Internal education programs on anti-racism/-discrimination & Trauma Informed Approaches

·         Establishing easier access to inclusive/affordable recreation programs

·         Establish Social Well-Being Policy, with a plan to incorporate a social impact assessment into Council reports

·         Developing criteria to support CSWB programs through distribution of leisure passes/transit passes

·         Exploring different uses of city facilities (food hubs, emergency centres, warm up/cool down spaces)

·         Reviewing the City’s community garden policy /assessing opportunities to advance food insecurity discussions

·         Explore Installation of Public Help Points in priority locations

·         Align internal policy with CSWB plan priorities (i.e., Community investment Grant Program)

·         Enhancing collaborative public safety interventions by strengthening the City’s Violent Threat Risk Assessment procedures

·         Support Mayor and consultant as needed on governance structure

·         * Staff will also continue to work on the delivery of core programs and services related to, but not driven by, the CSWB Plan (i.e., accessibility audits, age friendly initiatives, etc.)



In addition to the above, Mayor Masters will work with community organizations to host community meetings to build momentum and key relationships that will become integral to establishment of the governance structure. These priority areas may include but are not limited to food security, housing and overdose prevention/harm reduction. This work will help build momentum and community involvement around the Plan and priority areas.




November 25, 2021 City Council (CR21-169) approved items 1, 5, 7 and 10 which endorsed the proposed Community Safety & Well-being Plan along with considering approval of annual funding to establish an ongoing grant funding for harm reduction initiatives and tabled the remaining items to the December 8, 2021 meeting of Council.

Respectfully Submitted,                                          Respectfully Submitted,





Diana Hawryluk                                          Chris Holden

Executive Director                                          City Manager

City Planning & Community Development


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