City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

CC Motion
Carried as Amended
Sep 15, 2021 9:00 AM

Councillors Dan LeBlanc and Shanon Zachidniak: Train Issues in Eastview and McNab


Department:Office of the City Clerk- Council ReportsSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable

Report Body

WHEREAS various trains move through Regina’s Eastview and McNab neighbourhoods on a daily basis;


WHEREAS these trains cause excessive noise, risk and inconvenience to residents of these neighbourhoods; and


WHEREAS the City can and should take steps to protect residents from the negative impacts of train traffic;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Administration prepare a report for the Operations & Community Services Committee for Q3 of 2021 that:


1.     Identifies a strategy for reducing the noise caused by trains (including that caused by whistles or horns) as they pass through these neighbourhoods, with a particular focus on reducing noise between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.;


2.     Identifies options for reducing the frequency and length of trains coming to a stop within Eastview , and alternative options for these trains to complete their regular stops in industrial rather than residential areas;


3.     Evaluates the current state of pedestrian safety with respect to train tracks in these neighbourhoods, with particular attention given to speed of trains and whether children are at risk owing to lack of barriers at areas other than vehicular intersections and identifies options for resolving these safety concerns;


4.     Evaluates the current state of property maintenance on land directly adjoining the railroad tracks which abut the tracks, with particular focus on weed control and overgrown vegetation and identifies options for resolving these safety concerns;


5.     Identifies options and strategies for partnerships and collaborations in pursuit of the above goals, with particular focus on partnerships with railway companies and other levels of government;


6.     Identifies whether any of the above-noted strategies have applicability to areas of Regina other than the Eastview and McNab neighbourhoods. If so, addresses points 1-5 in relation to these other areas also;


7.     Considers whether it is feasible and desirable to move certain of the Regina’s rail lines away from residential areas, including as contemplated in the attached report CR19-76. Identifies next steps and estimated costs of this proposal;


8.     Identifies the costs and implications of implementing the above-referenced strategies and actions; and


9.     That item EN19-2 be removed of the list of outstanding items for City Council.


Respectfully submitted,




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Dan LeBlanc                                                        Shannon Zachidniak

Councillor - Ward 6                                          Councillor - Ward 8