City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

RPC Public Report.

5601 Parliament Avenue - Concept Plan Amendment/ Zoning Bylaw Amendment/ Discretionary Use - PL202000116


Department:Planning & Development ServicesSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable


  1. Printout
  2. Appendix A-1
  3. Appendix A-2
  4. Appendix A-3.1
  5. Appendix A-3.2
  6. PL202000116 Appendix B (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)

Report Body



StreetSide Development Corporation (Applicant and Owner) proposes to develop 45 Building, Detached and five two-unit Building, Row buildings for a total of 55 dwelling units in a Planned Group (proposed development) on an undeveloped site within the Harbour Landing neighbourhood at 5601 Parliament Avenue (subject property).



This application is being considered pursuant to the Planning and Development Act, 2007

(Act); Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48 (OCP) and the Zoning Bylaw, including suitability based on the prescribed evaluation criteria for discretionary uses established in Part IE.3. The proposal has been assessed and complies with all applicable policies, regulations and standards.


Pursuant to subsection 56(3) of the Planning & Development Act, 2007 (Act), City Council may establish conditions for discretionary uses based on the nature of the proposal (e.g. site, size, shape arrangement of buildings) and aspects of site design (e.g. landscaping, site access, parking, loading), but not including architectural details.




Financial Impacts

The subject area currently receives a full range of municipal services, including water, sewer and storm drainage. The applicant will be responsible for the cost of any new, or changes to existing, infrastructure that may be required to directly or indirectly support any proposed development that may follow, in accordance with City standards and applicable legal requirements.


Accessibility Impacts

The proposed development requires one accessible parking stall. While there are none marked, the development type means all provided parking can function as an accessible stall.


Policy/Strategic Impact

The proposed development does not conflict with any OCP policies and is consistent with the following OCP goals/ policies:


·         Section D6, Goal 3, Policy 8.11: Direct future growth as either intensification on or expansion into lands designated to accommodate a population of approximately 300,000, in accordance with Map 1 – Growth Plan.


The surrounding area is a mix of high- and low-density development. The proposed development will offer a housing type unique to this part of Harbour Landing and promote housing diversity.


·         Section D5, Goal 1, Policy 7.1 & 7.15: Require that new neighbourhoods, new mixed-use neighbourhoods, intensification areas and built or approved neighbourhoods are planned and developed to include the following:


o        A diversity of housing types to support residents from a wider range of economic levels, backgrounds and stages of life, including those with specific needs.


The development will contribute to diversity in housing forms and options in the neighbourhood.




Alternative options would be:


1.      Approve the application(s) with specific amendments to the plan.


2.      Refer the application(s) back to Administration. If City Council has specific concerns with the proposal it may refer it back to Administration for further review. Referral of the report back to Administration will delay approval of the development until requested information has been gathered or changes to the proposal have been made.


3.      Deny the application(s), and in the case of the application for discretionary use indicating the specific reasons for the denial.




The applicant and other interested parties will receive a copy of the report and notification of their right to appear as a delegation at the Council meeting when the application will be considered. The Applicant will receive written notification of City Council’s decision in accordance with The Planning and Development Act, 2007.






The proposed development, if approved, will be comprised of 45 Building, Detached and five two-unit Building, Row buildings within this residential Building, Planned Group for a total of 55 dwelling units. All units will have front attached garages. The site is 26,864 square metres of land located within in the Harbour Landing neighbourhood. Access will be provided via Parliament Avenue and McKenna Road.


Currently, the property is identified as High Density residential in the approved Harbour Landing Concept Plan and is zoned RH – Residential High-Rise Zone under Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 2019-19 (Zoning Bylaw). The applicant is proposing to develop low density residential, which requires an amendment to the Harbour Landing Concept Plan (Appendix A-3.1). In addition, the applicant proposes to rezone the lands to RU – Residential Urban Zone. The proposed development consists of a Building, Planned Group, which is a Discretionary Use in the RU – Residential Urban Zone. Both a Building, Detached and Building, Row are permitted building types within the Building, Planned Group.


The land use and zoning related details of this proposal are summarized in the following table:


Land Use Details




RH – Residential High-Rise Zone

RU – Residential Urban Zone

Land Use



Building, Planned Group

Building Area


8508 m2


Zoning Analysis



Number of Parking Stalls



Min. Lot Area (m2)

11650 m2

26,864 m2

Min. Lot Frontage (m)

7.5 m

82.3 m

Max. Building Height (m)

11 m

13.5 m

Max. Floor Area Ratio



Max. Coverage (%)



Communal Space





Within the RU – Residential Urban Zone a Building, Planned Group is a Discretionary Use. Both the Building, Detached and Building, Row are permitted building types within the Building, Planned Group land use classification.


The proposed development requires 55 parking stalls (one parking stall per unit). The applicant has provided 100 parking stalls which exceed the minimum parking requirement. Additionally, there is potential for additional parking on the driveways on the individual units. Due to the amount of available parking, it is anticipated the proposed development has negligible impact on neighbouring properties.


The proposed development conforms with the Zoning Bylaw from a site design perspective and is deemed to be suitable for the location, as it has access to the Parliament Avenue (arterial roadway). Although the application represents a proposed density decrease, Administration does not anticipate conflict with Section C; Policy 2.11.2 of the OCP (requirement to achieve a minimum density of 50 people per hectare), as past trends in this neighbourhood resulted in density increase, relative to the original concept plan. The current estimated population for Harbour Landing is 11,891 in a net area of 238 ha. This results in a present density of 49.96/ha, before development of this site.



Community Engagement


In accordance with the public notice requirements of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, neighbouring property owners within 75 metres of the proposed development received written notice of the application and a sign was posted on the subject site. The Harbour Landing Community Association was contacted but did not respond. Comments from neighbouring properties are captured in Appendix B.




On July 28, 2014 City Council rezoned this property from UH – Urban Holding to R6 – Residential Multiple Housing (CR14-85). On April 27, 2015 City Council approved a Discretionary Use at this property for high-density residential development (CR15-53). The development never proceeded. 


City Council’s approval is required pursuant to Part V of The Planning and Development Act, 2007.


Respectfully Submitted,              Respectfully Submitted,




Prepared by: {ResUserUser1:First Last, Title}