City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

CC Committee Report
Carried as Amended
May 27, 2020 9:30 AM

Regina Planning Commission: Zoning Bylaw 2019-19 Housekeeping Amendments Report


Department:Office of the City Clerk- Council ReportsSponsors:
Category:Not ApplicableFunctions:RPC Committee Reports


  1. Printout
  2. RPC20-15 - Zoning Bylaw 2019-19 Housekeeping Amendments Report.pdf
  3. Housekeeping Amendments Appendix A (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)
  4. Housekeeping Amendments Appendix B (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)

Report Body

At the May 6, 2020 meeting of Regina Planning Commission, the Commission considered the attached report RPC20-15 from the City Planning & Development Division and adopted a resolution to add the following amendment:


That in industrial areas, any use that is deemed to be accessory to the principle use, with a residential nature, would be deemed a discretionary use application and would go through the discretionary use process. 


Recommendation #3 does not need City Council approval.


Respectfully submitted,


