City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

CC Committee Report

Discretionary Use Application (19-DU-06)
Proposed Car Wash in MAC - Major Arterial Commercial Zone - 2035 Park Street


Department:Office of the City Clerk- Council ReportsSponsors:
Category:Not ApplicableFunctions:RPC Committee Reports

Report Body



Bill Babey, representing SCR Holdings and 2035 Park Street Discovery Plaza, made a presentation to the Commission.

The Commission adopted a resolution to concur in the recommendation contained in the report.


Recommendation #2 does not require City Council approval.


Councillors:  Jerry Flegel, Bob Hawkins and Barbara Young (Chairperson); Commissioners: Frank Bojkovsky, Andre Kroeger, Adrienne Hagen Lyster, Steven Tunison and Celeste York were present during consideration of this report by the Regina Planning Commission.



The Regina Planning Commission, at its meeting held on September 11, 2019, considered the following report from the Administration:




1.      That the discretionary use application for a proposed Car Wash located at 2035 Park Street, being Parcel B, Plan No. 90R02904, Broders Annex subdivision be approved, and that a Development Permit be issued subject to the following conditions:


a)                  The development shall be generally consistent with the plans attached to this report as Appendix A-3.1 to A-3.3 inclusive, prepared by Neher & Associates and dated April 3, 2019; and


b)     The development shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations in Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250.


2.      That this report be forwarded to the September 30, 2019 meeting of City Council for approval.




The Applicant, Bill Babey, representing the Landowner, Discovery Properties Inc., proposes to develop a car wash within a vacant portion of an existing building located at 2035 Park Street. The proposed car wash will include four washing bays and one touchless bay, which are to be wholly contained in the envelope of the existing building. The subject property is currently zoned MAC – Major Arterial Commercial Zone in which a car wash is a discretionary use. No additional parking is required to accommodate the use.


The proposal complies with the development standards and regulations contained in Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250 (Zoning Bylaw), is consistent with the policies in Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48 (OCP) and is considered generally compatible with adjacent land uses. Accordingly, the Administration recommends approval.




This application is being considered pursuant to the Zoning Bylaw, the OCP, and The Planning and Development Act, 2007 (Act).


Pursuant to subsection 56(3) of the Act, Council may establish conditions for discretionary uses based on nature of the proposal (e.g. site, size, shape and arrangement of buildings) and aspects of site design (e.g. landscaping, site access, parking and loading), but not including the colour, texture or type of materials and architectural details.




The Applicant proposes to develop a car wash within a vacant portion of an existing building located at 2035 Park Street (Subject Property). The building currently accommodates a commercial land use (Fantasy Land Bingo); the vacant portion formerly accommodated a separate commercial land-use (recreational service facility). Other existing commercial developments are located on the subject property within stand-alone and multi-unit buildings that include restaurants, drive-thru restaurant, and various other commercial uses. Surrounding land uses include high density residential to the east, commercial and low density residential to the west, medium density residential to the south and Victoria Avenue to the north.


The land use and zoning related details of this proposal are summarized in the following table:


Land Use Details




MAC – Major Arterial Commercial

MAC – Major Arterial Commercial

Land Use


Car Wash

Building Area

1028.30 m2


Tenant Space




Zoning Analysis



Number of Parking Stalls Required



Minimum Lot Area (m2)

250 m2

15022.52 m2

Minimum Lot Frontage (m)

6.0 m

136.80 m

Maximum Building Height (m)

15 m

No change

Maximum Floor Area Ratio



Maximum Coverage (%)




The proposal requires screening along any property lines adjacent to a property zoned as residential, and which is occupied as a religious institution. To achieve the required screening, the applicant is proposing a six-foot fence along the east property line and a portion of the south property line (reference Appendix A-3.1). A bypass aisle is not required for the development as there is no need for cars to bypass the car wash line to access other parts of the site. Since the proposal involves redevelopment of an existing commercial building, additional landscaping is not required.


The renovation work will be reviewed in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada (2015) during the building permit review process and upgrades to the building may be required. This will be evaluated further during the building permit review process.




Financial Implications


The subject area currently receives a full range of municipal services, including water, sewer and storm drainage. The Applicant will be responsible for the cost of any additional or changes to existing infrastructure that may be required to directly or indirectly support the development, in accordance with City standards and applicable legal requirements.


Environmental Implications


None with respect to this report.


Policy/Strategic Implications


The proposal is consistent with the policies contained within Part A of the OCP with respect to:


Section D5: Land Use and Built Environment


Goal 3 – Urban Centres and Corridors: Support urban centres and corridors as locations for pedestrian and transit-oriented mixed- use development and as hubs for community interaction and identity.


7.10               Support the development or redevelopment of lands within identified urban centres and urban corridors to incorporate:


7.10.1              An appropriate mix of higher density residential and commercial development;


7.10.2              Mixed-use, transit-oriented development; and


7.10.3              Community amenities and open space.


7.11              Ensure land use, scale and density of development within an urban centre or urban corridor is compatible with servicing capacity and provides appropriate transition to surrounding areas.


The Administration acknowledges that a key objective of the OCP is to support development of Urban Corridors as a mixed-use environment. The proposed land-use is appropriate in this context as it involves the utilization of vacant space within an existing commercial building and is generally compatible with other existing commercial land-uses.


Other Implications


None with respect to this report.


Accessibility Implications


The Zoning Bylaw requires two per cent of required parking stalls (gross parking calculation) to be accessible. The site provides 13 accessible parking stalls which exceeds the minimum requirement of two accessible parking stalls.




Communication with the public is summarized below:


Public notification signage posted on:

June 3, 2019

Letter sent to immediate property owners

May 30, 2019

Number of Public Comments Sheets Received



There were no public comments received on this application.


The application was circulated to the Al Ritchie Community Association who provided the following comments:


Our only concerns centre around the additional traffic congestion in the vicinity of the proposal. We could see additional motorists trying to enter the property mid block off of Park Street backing up traffic towards the Victoria Avenue intersection.


We could see additional traffic on the back alley to the south of the proposal. This would put higher maintenance and repair demands on that road. This could also translate into higher traffic congestion on the intersection of Park Street and 13th Avenue. Park Street is getting fairly busy in the summer and to add additional vehicles either wanting to get on Park Street or off will be an additional burden. This additional traffic coming into the adjacent parking lots where many people walk to and from the adjacent businesses could decrease pedestrian safety.


Administration forwarded these comments to the Applicant. A detailed account of the Applicant’s and Administration’s response is provided in Appendix B of this report.


The Applicant and other interested parties will receive a copy of the report and notification of the meeting to appear as a delegation in addition to receiving a written notification of City Council’s decision.




City Council’s approval is required, pursuant to Part V of The Planning and Development Act, 2007.



Respectfully submitted,


