City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

RPC Public Report

Discretionary Use Application (17-DU-13) Repair Shop in MAC Zone 2410 E Victoria Avenue


Department:Office of the City ClerkSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable

Report Body



The applicant proposes to repurpose an existing building to develop it as a Repair Shop (auto-body). The subject property is currently zoned MAC -Major Arterial Commercial in which a Repair Shop is a discretionary use. The space was previously used by End of the Roll Carpet retail store. The subject property is located in a commercial building abutting the residential neighborhood of Glencairn Village.


The proposal complies with the development standards and regulations contained in Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250 (Zoning Bylaw) and is consistent with the policies in Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48 (OCP). Accordingly, the Administration recommends approval.



An application has been received for discretionary use to accommodate a repair shop within an existing building located at 2410 East Victoria Avenue. This application is being considered pursuant to the Zoning Bylaw, the OCP and the Planning and Development Act, 2007 (Act).


Pursuant to subsection 56(3) of the Act, City Council may establish conditions for discretionary uses based on; nature of the proposal (e.g. site, size, shape and arrangement of buildings) and aspects of site design (e.g. landscaping, site access, parking and loading), but not including the colour, texture or type of materials and architectural details.




The applicant proposes to develop a Repair Shop (auto-body) within one of two existing commercial buildings located at 2410 E Victoria Avenue. A Repair Shop is a discretionary use in the MAC -Major Arterial Commercial Zone. 


The land use and zoning related details of this proposal are summarized in the following table:


Land Use Details




MAC - Major Arterial Commercial

MAC - Major Arterial Commercial

Land Use


Repair Shop (auto-body)

Building Area

891.8 m2

891.8 m2


Zoning Analysis



Number of Parking Stalls Required

41 stalls

68 stalls (36 at the front and 32 at the rear as per the site plan provided by the applicant)

Minimum Lot Area (m2)

250 m2

4703.89 m2

Minimum Lot Frontage (m)

6 m

51 m ( shortest)

Maximum Building Height (m)

15 m

5.7 m

Maximum Floor Area Ratio



Maximum Coverage (%)




On-site parking is accessed via the North Service Road and back alley at the rear of the property. The applicant has confirmed that the potential tenant is not a general auto-repair shop but specializes in auto-body repair only. The applicant has also indicated that they would not store material or parts outdoors and that there would be few vehicles parked on the premise. To address any concerns related to visual impacts, the Administration has included, as a condition of approval, the development of a solid fence along the north property line


The applicant also has indicated that the rear of the building would be used for staff parking. Currently, the rear yard of the subject property is unpaved and, therefore, cannot be considered for on-site parking unless it is brought into compliance with the Zoning Bylaw for parking purposes. The applicant is installing a fence along the north property line to screen the existing unpaved parking lot as it interfaces with the residential neighborhood. 


Surrounding land uses include residential to the north, commercial development to the east and west and Victoria Avenue to the south. A dance studio in the west and a restaurant in the east are located adjacent to the subject property.


The proposed development is consistent with the purpose and intent of the MAC - Major Arterial Commercial Zone with respect to:


·              Accommodating retail, service and office businesses serving the travelling public and residents of the city at large, which require locations with good visibility along major arterial roadways.



Financial Implications


The subject area currently receives a full range of municipal services, including water, sewer and storm drainage. The applicant will be responsible for the cost of any additional or changes to existing infrastructure that may be required to directly or indirectly support the development, in accordance with City of Regina standards and applicable legal requirements.


Environmental Implications


The Repair Shop would be subject to any requirements of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment.


Policy/Strategic Implications


The proposal is consistent with the policies contained within Part A of the OCP with respect to:


Section D5: Land Use and Built Environment


Goal 4 - Employment Areas


Provide appropriate locations and development opportunities for a full range of industrial, commercial and institutional activities.


7.17.2.               To allow for change and intensification over time.


7.17.4              To be accessible and integrated with surrounding neighborhoods.


The proposed Repair Shop will provide local service to the surrounding community and travelling public from the city and vicinity. The proposal also strengthens and supports this portion of the Victoria Avenue corridor.


Other Implications


None with respect to this report.


Accessibility Implications


The proposed development provides two parking stalls for persons with disabilities which exceed the minimum requirements by one stall.




Communication with the public is summarized below:


Public notification signage posted on

September 21, 2017

Letter sent to immediate property owners

September 25, 2017

Public Open House held

Not required

Number of public comments sheets received



There were six public comment sheets received on this application that opposed the proposal. The adjacent Lynnwood Ridge Condominium Corporation Board, located at 359 to 467 Fines Drive, also has expressed their concerns regarding the proposed development and has submitted a comment sheet with signatures of six board members and residents of 15 units. A more detailed accounting of the respondent’s comments and the Administration’s and Applicant’s response is provided in Appendix B.


The application was circulated to the Dewdney East Community Association (DECA) who responded with the following comments:

i.              What type of repair shop is this? If it is an auto body repair shop they often buy a bunch of junk vehicles and park them all over. We suggest most of the parking be kept at the back of the building.

ii.              Where are the park stalls and do they really need 44 parking stalls?

iii.              We do not want to see a junk yard in front of the building.

iv.              Parking is concern during Saturday lunch hour. 


Administration shared these comments with the applicant who has responded. The applicant ‘s responses are recorded in Appendix B.


The applicant and interested parties will receive a copy of the report and notification of the meeting to appear as a delegation in addition to receiving written notification of City Council’s decision.




City Council’s approval is required, pursuant to Part V of The Planning and Development Act, 2007.


Respectfully submitted,

Respectfully submitted,

Louise Folk, Director Development Services

Diana Hawryluk, Executive Director City Planning & Development


Prepared by:  Punya Sagar Marahatta