City of Regina
Saskatchewan CA

RPC Public Report

Discretionary Use Application (17-DU-05)
Planned Group of Dwellings in R5 Zone
3121 Green Bank Road - The Towns Subdivision


Department:Office of the City ClerkSponsors:
Category:Not Applicable

Report Body

g Number



The applicant proposes to develop 65 town house units in two different phases on the subject property. The applicant has proposed Phase 1 development in the southern portion of the subject property, which will contain 33 units and 66 parking stalls. Phase 2 is proposed on the northern portion of subject property with 32 units and 64 parking stalls. All townhouses will be two storeys.


The subject property is currently zoned R5- Medium Density Residential Zone, in which a Planned Group of Dwellings is discretionary. The proposal is consistent with the Towns Concept Plan which identifies this site for medium density residential development.


The proposal complies with the development standards and regulations contained in Regina Zoning Bylaw No. 9250 (Zoning Bylaw) and is consistent with the policies in Design Regina: The Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2013-48 (OCP). Accordingly, the Administration recommends approval.




An application has been received for discretionary use approval to accommodate a Planned Group of Dwellings located at 3121 Green Bank Road. The application is being considered pursuant to the Zoning Bylaw, the OCP and The Planning and Development Act, 2007.


Pursuant to Subsection 56(3) of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, City Council may establish conditions for discretionary uses based on the nature of the proposed development

(e.g. site, size, shape and arrangement of buildings) and aspects of site design (e.g. landscaping, site access, parking and loading), but not including the colour, texture or type of materials and architectural details.




The applicant proposes to develop a Planned Group of Dwellings consisting of 65 townhouse units in two different phases. The first phase will be developed along the southern property line, which contains 33 units and 66 parking stalls. The second phase, to be developed later, would be on the northern portion of property of the subject property containing 32 units and 64 parking stalls. The applicant is seeking approval for both the phases.


The land use and zoning related details of this proposal are summarized in the following table:


Land Use Details




R5- Medium Density Residential Zone

R5- Medium Density Residential Zone

Land Use



Number of Dwelling Units



Building Area

0 m2

3556.8 m2


Zoning Analysis



Number of Parking Stalls Required

65 stalls

130 stalls

Minimum Lot Area (m2)

120 m2

15424.43 m2

Minimum Lot Frontage (m)


128.354 m

Maximum Building Height (m)

20 m

7.183 m

Gross Floor Area


7515.3 m2

Maximum Floor Area Ratio



Maximum Coverage (%)




The minimum parking standard required by the Zoning bylaw is one parking stall per unit. The minimum for proposed development is 65 parking stalls. As identified in the table, the proposed development contains 130 parking stalls, exceeding the minimum required.


The proposal complies with the approved The Towns Concept Plan, which identifies the subject property for medium density residential development. The Towns Concept Plan is included in Appendix A-3.5. 


A minimum of five per cent of the lot area is dedicated for communal amenity space. Detailed design of this space will be required at the building permit phase.


Although the site is one property, it is designed to function as two separate and distinct sites for phasing purposes. Both phases would have separate accesses with the south phase being a single access and the north phase having two accesses. The access design is supported by a traffic impact assessment, which indicates that the design would not negatively impact the function of Green Bank Road.


Surrounding land uses include residential future detached residential development to the north and east, a Planned Group of Townhouse Dwellings to the south in the Greens on Gardiner Subdivision and existing detached residential development to the west in the Windsor Park Subdivision.


The proposed development is consistent with the purpose and intent of the R5 - Medium Density Residential Zone with respect to providing for flexibility in building and site design in locations where residential development or redevelopment is desired at medium density. Medium density is in excess of 25 dwelling units per hectare but less than 50 units per hectare. The proposal has a density of 43.33 dwelling units per hectare.




Financial Implications


The subject area will receive a full range of municipal services, including water, sewer and storm drainage. The applicant will be responsible for the cost of any additional or changes to existing infrastructure that may be required to directly or indirectly support the development, in accordance with City standards and applicable legal requirements.


Environmental Implications


None with respect to this report.


Policy/Strategic Implications


The proposal is consistent with the policies contained within Part A of the OCP with respect to:


Section D5: Land Use and Built Environment


Goal 1 – Complete Neighbourhoods: Enable the development of complete neighbourhoods


7.1               Require that new neighbourhoods, new mixed use neighbourhoods, intensification areas and built or approved neighbourhoods are planned and developed to include the following:


7.1.5              A diversity of housing types to support residents from a wide range of economic levels, backgrounds and stages of life, including those with special needs.


Section D6: Housing Supply and Affordability


Goal 1 – Housing Supply and Affordability


8.1              Support attainable housing in all neighbourhoods through ownership, rental housing and specific needs housing.


8.8              Support residential intensification in existing and New Neighbourhoods to create complete neighbourhoods.


The Towns Concept Plan has identified this area for medium density residential development. The area is at the southwest corner of Towns Subdivision and borders Woodland Grove Drive to the west. The proposal is in compliance with the concept plan.


Other Implications


None with respect to this report.


Accessibility Implications


The Zoning Bylaw requires that two per cent of the required parking stalls be provided for persons with disabilities, which is equivalent to two parking stalls for the proposed development. The proposed development provides two parking stalls for persons with disabilities, which meets the minimum requirements.




Communication with the public is summarized below:


Public notification signage posted on

March 17, 2017

Letter sent to immediate property owners

March 21, 2017

Public Open House held


Number of public comments sheets received



There were six public comments received on this application. A more detailed accounting of the respondent’s comments and the Administration’s response is provided in Appendix B.


The application was circulated to the Arcola East Community Association (AECA). Following circulation, the Administration attempted follow up contact with the AECA but did not receive a response prior to the deadline for submission of this report.


The applicant and other interested parties will receive a copy of the report and notification of the meeting to appear as a delegation in addition to receiving a written notification of City Council’s decision.




City Council’s approval is required, pursuant to Part V of The Planning and Development Act, 2007.



Respectfully submitted,


Respectfully submitted,

Louise Folk, Director

Development Services

Diana Hawryluk, Executive Director

City Planning & Development


Prepared by:  Punya Sagar Marahatta